Catherine-Nakano Kusakabe



1 year, 4 months ago




Catherine-Nakano Kusakabe-Boyle is a DNA fusion created as a test subject for Haumea's "create the adolla" Project

Her only purpose was to be a replacement for those who refused and fought to not join the evangelist. Joining Company 8th she threw away that purpose, her goal now is to become someone she never thought she could be, someone who could save lives instead of take them


Uzui is her "little brother" She loves to joke around with him, but her monotone voice makes it sound like whatever she says is serious and it does kinda freak him out

Speaking on a more serious side, she and him met when Haumea began one of her havoc wreaking crap around the city again. There he was, in between it all throwing giant spiked flame balls, floating in the air on a piece of bent metal, she didn't know it then, but the battle taking place would start her absolute love over family and having siblings


Mary is her "little sister" and also Uzui's twin, not so surprising but she treats Mary like a queen, complementing her every move, helps Mary with her constent anxiety

She says if she had a favorite sibling, it would be Mary. In Cana's eyes, everything about little mary is perfect, she finds her to be the cutest adorablest human she'd ever lay her eyes on. Often times when talking with others she'll brag about how lucky she is to have Mary as her sister


Arthrina is her "little sister" She and her get along very well despite how it looks sometimes, they do fight but mainly about silly things like what color is the best, red or blue?

She met Arthrina and Mary at the same time actually. Haumea threw out Arthrina and kept Mary so in an attempt to save the one person she cared about she joined Company 8th (well not a first but we'll skip for now) just to save Mary. Arthrina and Cana got along immendiantly, relating to eachother and not wanting to lose family, it was a big shock they were related too

code by cati Music code by NebulaNumbat