


1 year, 4 months ago



"Dogs are just the best creatures of the entire universe!"

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AGE:5740 years old (Era 1)



Extroverted, confident, creative, and fun-loving, Apatite loves to surround herself with friends, good food, dogs and colorful things. She may be one of the few actively curious gems that came to Earth and wasn't put off by the diversity of this planet; she had a lot of time to learn whatever teased her curiosity, so she's pretty knowledgeable.

She enjoys indulging in human activities like napping and eating, even if she doesn't really need it since she's an inorganic solar-powered alien.

Apatite is very open about how she feels, because she used to be forced to repress most of her feelings in the past and she now greatly enjoys her newfound freedom. Despite her childlike wonder and excitable nature, Apatite's actually a pretty sensible gem with a protective nature that makes her want to shield others in need and things she perceives as valuable/beautiful from harm's way. She may be a bit touchy though.


Created in a distant colony that failed due to some heavy complications related to the planet and the natives, she spent the first part of her life as an entertainer on Homeworld, allowed to Blue Diamond's court thanks to her very ephemeral state as a rare gem (since there were only a handful of Apatites left after their Kindergarten's failure); however, her cheerful attitude was unfit for the gem aristocracy etiquette and she had to squash it down constantly to act proper and composed, becoming more apathetic as a result and hating every second of it. After she lost her status of rare gem due to the making of other Apatites, she was sent to Earth to fulfill her original role as a support for quartz soldiers, supposedly confusing and scaring enemies thanks to her illusion powers.
And then Apatite met a dog, and everything changed.
She felt like her eyes opened to organic life's beauty and worth, against Homeworld's ideals that framed organics as useless and repugnant; that's why she defected and followed the rumors that were spread about a rebel faction of Gems that preached freedom from the caste system and wanted to protect the Earth, and joined them at first occasion. Those rebels, the Crystal Gems, won a pyrrhic victory in the end: they freed the planet but were almost completely wiped away by Homeworld's armies.
Apatite was saved by a whisker with a pair of other gems by her friend Jade thanks to her peculiar abilities, but she believes that no one else survived the war. They fled the battlefield and left the continent to never return.
Apatite lives now on Earth, in South Italy, with her pet border terrier Truffles and her three best friends Jade, Moss Agate and Dioptase. Fight against iniquity still isn't over! They now fight for animal rights and volunteer to help dogs wherever they can reach. Dioptase may be the only one of the group who actually cares about humans too. For this reason, the group jokingly call themself "Dog Defenders", of which Apatite's the leader.
Since Apatite lives a pretty rural life she's still unaware of the existence of Little Homeworld or of the fact that Gemkind entered Era 3 and most of her comrades have been uncorrupted. However, much to her surprise, she had a couple of sightings of Gems in the distance, without managing to estabilish a contact with none of them. Apparently, she's the only one out of the group who cares to investigate that for now. And that's driving her crazy .

Trivia: she was there when Garnet first formed, but she was so annoyed and distracted by the formality of the event that she missed most of the action. She got to see Cotton Candy Garnet briefly, however, and the rebels Pearl and Rose Quartz from a distance.
She did nothing to intervene because it was the only interesting thing it had happened all week, plus, she had nothing to do with guards or soldiers at the time.


  • • Dogs
  • • Organic life
  • • ART
  • • Fried pumpkin flowers
  • • Music and song
  • • Sunny days
  • • Napping
  • • Funny stories
  • • Friendly sparring


  • • Strictness
  • • Math, ugh
  • • War
  • • Negative reinforcement
  • • China


  • • She sucks at storing things in her gem. She's messy and loses every single item despite not having a lot of room in it anyway.
  • • ???
  • • ???


  • • The yellow markings on her cheeks become green when she experiments a "blood rush" to her face, like when she's embarrassed, very angry or strongly excited.
  • • Whatever outfit she chooses and whatever fusion she partakes in, the bowtie stays.
  • • She has never been poofed after the battle against Homeworld was over, so she still has the star belt buckle, a reminder of her former allegiance to the faction of Crystal Gems.