Marlenka (Ghostlenka I)



1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info




70-80 at death




wailing and lamenting



An alternate, non-canon and much darker ending to the storyline with Piszczyk. They grow old together just like in their original story, but in the end, an old curse takes hold of Piszczyk (more context here). Despite his warnings, Marlenka doesn't believe he would ever harm her, and in the end she dies horribly by his hand. 

After her death, she remains on Earth as a half-real, immaterial phantom. Despite being imperceptible in her actual form, she still thinks and feels, though at first even she doubts it. As her family tries to make sense of what happened, she leaves their home and and follows Piszczyk. He doesn't seem to see or hear her (at least not completely), but she doesn't accept it. She laments about this to him, apologizes, says everything she can think of, but it's like there's a veil between them. 

Unfortunately, she also can't easily forgive him. She says she does (out loud, to herself, and to him) and she wants to, but deep down she's angry with him, and miserable, and filled with grief for their lost life together. She realises that she should have listened to him, should have sought some kind of cure or solution, but she had just so firmly refused to accept what was happening. It hurts that she has this anger inside her, and she swears to herself to keep him company even as his soul parts from his body, even if he doesn't know she's there. Although she tries her best to keep that promise, eventually she just can't bear it anymore. It hurts too much and she hates herself for becoming resentful, so in utter shame, she leaves him and goes her own way. 

For a while, she wanders as a ghost, unable to touch or eat or feel. She doesn't have the courage to go back home, but can't think of anywhere else to go either; she's between worlds and utterly lonely there, cursed with eternal solitude. Her thoughts often go back to Piszczyk, or rather what remains of him, but she never manages to find him again. 

Not long after Marlenka's death, a coup takes place in Orla. The Royal Spymaster overthrows the interrex and takes his place, using her occult powers to instill fear in the nation. When she realises this, Marlene appears to her, in her ghost form, and they talk about many things; but they can't come to any sort of agreement, and the girl she once knew seems entirely gone. Feeling that her home is lost, Marlenka leaves, this time for good.