


1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info










☆ Beksa is regarded as pure evil by those who know her as the Lady Blue's right hand. She's a cruel, cold-hearted misanthrope who's had enough of the world and wants things to change at any cost. 

☆ Beksa is not her actual name, just a nickname, means “crybaby”.  It’s also a common name for a female dog. Her real name holds too much power over her to be spoken.

           -  I also sometimes refer to her as Krysza or Kryśka, Krystyna, Krysia, Krycha and so on. This is also not her real name.

☆ She’s odd and off-putting, and a little snobbish in her demeanor. She seems like she grew up rich and favors expensive, foreign (usually masculine) clothing. Her voice is clear and cold, with an aristocratic lilt to it, and she very rarely smiles out of amusement. A cruel sense of humour and scorn for the world make her unpleasant  company to most, but there are some who have seen a different side of  her.

☆ She openly claims to work for the dreaded Lady Blue. While the other agents gather information in a non-invasive, discreet manner, Beksa is known to shoulder in when the situation becomes impossible to deal with otherwise. In this way, she takes care of a number of problems, including the quiet execution of the Lady Blue’s enemies. She is the suspected perpetrator of multiple murders within upper nobility, but has never been caught, or even seen, by law enforcement.

☆ A skilled scholar and researcher, she dabbles in the most obscure ends of the occult, which has granted her a set of incredible abilities, but also prematurely aged her. When using her power, plumes of frankincense-white smoke  -  or inky black goop, depending on the  circumstances  -  trail from her body and hands.

☆ She has most of her clothes custom made or tailored. Winter is her favourite time of the year for its long nights and opportunities to show off her glamorous layered outfits. Her perfume, when she wears it, is on the heavier side, with notes of musk, amber, jasmine, and rain.

☆ Reckless use of magic without the proper protection and care has affected Beksa's health over time. She suffers from something like a long-lasting, recurring skin condition on her hands. This is a very difficult subject for her and she doesn't like them touched, even when covered. She never takes her gloves off in front of anyone.

☆ She doesn’t smoke and avoids alcohol to keep her mind clear. She’s mastered the art of taking fake sips.

☆ She loves animals and finds most of them cute in some way, especially misunderstood ones, like bugs or toads. She carries spiders outside instead of killing them.