Captain Machi



1 year, 4 months ago


FULL NAME: Machi Gatta (Answers to Sango, the JP word for coral, uses DJ Sango and Sangatta as pseudonyms)

SPECIES: Inkling (Bigfin Reef Squid)

GENDER: Voidpunk AFAB (he/she/xe)

AGE: ~24 (~15 during S1, around 18 during S2OE, and ~23 during S3)


OCCUPATION: Currently the captain of the NSS, occasionally plays ink-sports

VOICE CLAIM: James Priestner (Rare Americans' lead singer)

- Blind in his right eye due to the sanitization fluid kinda being slapped onto the side of his face rather than around his eye

- Voice is a bit hoarse after the Atlas strangled him and tried to claw out his throat (that said he is very uncomfortable with things near his throat)

- Chronic fatigue, nausea, joint pains and occasional delirium (a lot of dissociation too)

- Deals with frequent stabbing pains in his side and his face/neck (lasting effects from literally getting stabbed + his neck and eye getting fucked up)

- Doesn't think of himself as a mechanic or technician, but machinery is his special interest; he built his own turntable, upgraded his blaster's range, and gave Neo 3's equipment its upgrades (as well as modified his headphones to be noise-canceling)

- Will occasionally have "episodes", in which the sanitization will take control of Machi. During this, he'll either switch into a silent but jumpy/violent state (akin to how he was when he was "hijacked"), or The Atlas'll control him. Sometimes both can happen if The Atlas takes advantage of Machi's vulnerability in his "jumpy" state. When controlled by the Atlas, more times than not he won't do any physical harm, teasing and laughing instead. (because machi's body hurts a lot during this. it would be bad for both of them if the atlas wasted his energy hurting people)

- Started to make music after the events of S1, but it was a hobby at the time. After S2, he started to make more as a coping mechanism. It became a regular thing for him to sequence a tune when he's alone, but now that he's mostly recovered from the sanitization during S3 he doesn't let most other people hear his music other than occasionally posting the ones he may like on the internet.