


1 year, 4 months ago


✦ Basics                           




I mean probably









✦ About                                                                                     

Doodlebug is a 9 year old program designed by the billionaire CEO Marcus Richer of the largest technology and education corporation on earth, Polychrome. Doodlebug's job is to act as a user interface for any curious university students, impatient mall-goers and busy office workers. Polychrome's headquarters is situated in the largest building in the USA, consisting of a university, a large mall, several office spaces, a lab, 15 levels of underground parking and even a theme park for children to play in while their parents do whatever it is adults do with their time.

Despite the overwhelming stress of attending to thousands of people per day, Doodlebug would almost say they enjoy their job, if only to please the supervisors. But when she finds Marcus Richer slumped over in his office chair, victim of a fatal aneurysm, he knows that if he allows anyone to find out, the entire company will be shut down- including himself. Terrified of being decommissioned, Doodlebug begins to attempt to run the entirety of Polychrome by herself. And yeah that goes about as well as you're imagining


Doodlebug is around 5'5". Her casing is made of an extremely durable plastic which can be replaced with ease. His face is made of high quality silicone, and can move realistically thanks to complex mechanisms beneath the "skin". They can replicate any manner of expressions, though their neutral expression is a pleasant smile with raised eyebrows. Their teeth are blunt with a gap in the middle of both the upper and lower set, and there is a line running down the middle of their heart shaped face. This line is a seam allowing for easy removal of the silicone for maintenance. Doodlebug has four arms and three bodily sections which can rotate individually.

Their chest consists of 5 overlapping plastic plates which can open for repair. Within their chest there are 5 slots in which chips can be inserted: personality, internet access, movement, language functions for all widely spoken languages (sign language included) and safety. This last chip prevents Doodlebug from bringing any harm to human employees and customers, as well as aiding him with crucial first aid skills. The two antennae on their head serve relatively little function, aside from receiving transmissions and looking cute.

✦ Likes                              

 relaxing in maintenance tunnels

 routine cleaning (aka robot spa)

 being passive aggressive
 acting for advertisements
 pole dancing (uh. yea)

✦ Dislikes                         

 dealing with entitled customers

 being dehumanised

 lack of autonomy

 inability to leave the building
 Marcus Richer

✦ Backstory                                                                             

After the death of the founder Marcus Richer, Doodlebug disposed of his creaky old body in the incinerator used for old documents and overstocked products which didn't sell. She masqueraded as him, giving orders via email and setting up a speaker to play an AI generated recording of his voice saying "not now, I'm busy" whenever the door handle was turned. Miraculously and ridiculously, this worked for a very long time.

Two employees bothered Doodlebug. Lavanya, a 20 year old technician and Phil, a janitor nearing retirement. Both of them were too nosy for Doodlebug's comfort and before they could come up with a frantic plan to dull their curiousity, Lavanya opens the door to Mr. Richer's office. 

anyway. Events transpire and after a LOT of freaking out from all parties, they come to a conclusion and begin to work together to fix this giant mess. There's a lot more to this story but there's only so much I can fit in this before it becomes ridiculously long

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