
Hello :)


The Cryptic Fisherman

Main • Not For Trade

Code by AviCode

Nikolai Mccoy

strange . simple . independent

A sea monster who's possibly also a robot. He's a photographer, snapping shots with the camera in his mouth. Kind of creepy with his fondness for the supernatural, crappy little fishing hut and his wheezy laugh that makes him sound older than he really is. Loves fishing and can usually be found overseeing a rod at the docks, enjoying the outdoors.

Nicknames Mr. McCoy, Fisherman Nick
Age 34
Gender male
Species Plesiosaurus / Loch Ness monster
Birthday Jan 14th
Height 6'10"
Occupation fisherman
Location Cowichan Bay, BC

That there's a fine barrel knot, tighter than a barnacle on a buoy.


sea monster

Closest to Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus in terms of real species.

Rather skinny but with a noticeable beer belly.
Physical Health

Has a diet of almost exclusively seafood. Good stamina but lacking in raw strength.


Three pupilless eyes and high-up nostrils. Sharp, needle-like, black teeth.
some fur

Fluff on head and neck only, the rest of his body is scaled. Feel free to interprit it however you want or omit it altogether! Limbs are flippers and have no digits. Can only form hands from the water on the underside of his flippers, can't manipulate it otherwise.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed enim mauris, varius commodo dui quis, gravida malesuada felis. Sed dignissim ipsum in nisi tincidunt vehicula sed a ligula. Nullam cursus est nisl, vitae dictum eros tempor at.
handy . patient

Donec efficitur feugiat volutpat. Maecenas pellentesque vehicula sem, id malesuada lectus lobortis at. Maecenas pharetra velit id ante sollicitudin sagittis. Integer placerat velit in tempor lacinia. Vivamus nibh ante, finibus non lacinia vel, vestibulum et felis. Phasellus leo purus, ultricies nec justo eget, pharetra tempus lectus.
loner . simple

Vestibulum consequat porta nulla, nec finibus dolor pretium non. Quisque lorem turpis, faucibus vel aliquam ut, facilisis sed velit.

lazy . cheap

Quisque nibh metus, semper quis risus eu, pulvinar dictum ipsum. Quisque venenatis euismod mi, sed auctor metus interdum ac. Donec et sem lectus. Donec ut quam at mi interdum porta quis eget justo. Mauris laoreet turpis a nisl tempus, tempor sodales lectus varius.


Donec efficitur feugiat volutpat. Maecenas pellentesque vehicula sem, id malesuada lectus lobortis at. Maecenas pharetra velit id ante sollicitudin sagittis. Integer placerat velit in tempor lacinia. Vivamus nibh ante, finibus non lacinia vel, vestibulum et felis. Phasellus leo purus, ultricies nec justo eget, pharetra tempus lectus.


  • Water portions have a thin, transparent membrane overtop
  • Third eye is the only one open when taking pictures
  • Gold parts can glow
  • Life jacket is only for safety purposes; he's a great swimmer

  • fishing
  • photography
  • foggy days
  • forests

  • urban areas
  • modern technology
  • vegans
  • lots of noise

  • handy
  • swimming
  • patience
  • lives simple

  • often isolated
  • doesn't have a cellphone
  • slow
  • out of touch

Mouth can conjure up a functioning polaroid camera at will. Golden parts can glow. Water portions under fins can form into hands.


code by jiko | bg photo by Pexels

Easy, kid. The world's not so bad.


Nikolai is Clay's neighbour, and the two are decent friends. Being an arguably supernatural creature himself, Clay was at first wary of him, but now finds comfort in Nikolai's laid-back and carefree attitude.

Occasionally, Clay will join him fishing on the docks as an escape from his normal day-to-day, enjoying the simplicity of Nikolai's lifestyle. Nikolai has taught Clay a lot about fishing, from different knots to casting to bait and lures, and he is now capable of catching fish for himself if need be, often preferring to do so once a week or so.

C'mon, smallfry, let's get some meat on your bones.


Nikolai is almost akin to an uncle figure to Adam. He always comes to visit Nikolai when he's on the island and is always greeted with a fantastic homemade fish dinner. They get along well and Nikolai likes to fuss over him good-naturedly, ready and willing to teach him anything he needs to know.

The two first met when Adam needed photos for a field guide, and they've maintained that professional side to their relationship ever since, Nikolai being more than happy to provide his photographs to the young naturalist.

Epic quote time.


Write about your character here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.