Felicity Prowers



1 year, 8 months ago


just putting this text wall here so i dont lose it, ill make it pretty some day LOL,,, also im a little bad at writing so sorry if this makes NO SENSE

Felicity is kinda a flop of a toon. She isn’t very good In combat; she fumbles her jokes and gets the punchline wrong every time. She’s really shy and can barely stop cogs in the middle of the street to fight them without blushing, fumbling with her words and then running away out of embarrassment. 

Other toons don’t really like her because of her horrible combat skills and somehow even worse people skills. She was ridiculed or completely out shadowed all her life.

During a mission, the resistance forced her to be in. Her entire team is greened. Fel was the only survivor and consistently missing shots. The cogs she was fighting were like “damn, this is pathetic. Take her to the chairman. Maybe he can get some info out of her” and dragged her up to his office. While the chairman was deciding on what to do with her, Fel speaks up. She basically asks/begs him to let her work for him, she talks about how she hates basically all toons, how her entire life she has been nothing but a joke, a punchline to every toon around her. She had insider info on a coming up attack by the resistance, and if he gave her a job, she would tell him everything she knew. 

Chairman, intrigued by the idea of info, he heard her out…give him the info and she’ll get the job….and well, she was NOT lying lol,,,,she ratted her fellow toons out LOL

she was given a job as chairman’s second secretary,, because Jennifer is unreliable LOL and also so chairman could keep a close eye on felicity, to make sure she wasn’t a two-timing backstabbing WENCH!!! felicity basically did a lot of grunt work, including STACKS of paperwork, delivering/retrieving stuff to/from people, general note taking, yada yada yada

she was also given her #1 strictest rule of all time....she has to pretend she’s a cog who just so happens to look like a toon...bc obvi if a toon worked at C.O.G.S inc,,,,the whole company would probably explode.....so she has to fake an entire story about her being built to LOOK like a toon, and have every aspect of being a toon but isn’t one. 

I lowkey write Robert kinda OOC, but I think he has a soft spot for felicity,,,after then spending almost all their time together at work,,,SHES DEF GROWN ON HIM LOL...She gets special treatment LOL,,,shes not very good at being a cog either tbh, so she fucks up ALOT. but chairman kinda waves it off as a “everyone makes mistakes.” And doesn’t reprimand her.... MUCH TO THE DISMAY OF HER COWORKERS LOL....Their relationship is supposed to be a secret, but basically everyone knows. You aren’t supposed to mention it/talk about it inside of work, even a WHISPER about it gets you fired in 2 seconds TOPS. 

I could probably write PAGES UPON PAGES about Felicity and robert,,,but this is honestly long enough, so ill put a little bullet point list for more trivial stuff

-felicity is PAINFULLY SHY, she’s more open with Robert when it’s just them 1 on 1...but with others it’s hard for her to even make eye contact

-Robert is Fels first boyfriend....ever. LIKE EVER.

-felicity has never met bobby jr, she knows of his existence and wants to meet him,,,but it’s too risky

-Fel and Robert often have to keep most of their affection behind closed doors at work,,,,bc the relationship is supposed to be a secret,,,so it’s not like Fel can just pull up at Roberts House LOLOL bobby is there and he would be ,,, very confused on who this weird lady is

-Fel and Robert bond a lot over their shared hatred for toons #weird