Basic Info


Adult 30-33 in Human Years




Felis Oceanus by PrePAWSterous


Kind, Sweet, Caring, Responsible, Giving, Caring, Unselfish


SouthWest Isra Coastal areas somewhat near mini species


Sister Molluska, Father Cod, Mother Seabreama


Tide The Felis Oceanus


Unable to conceive but adopted Tang the Felis Oceanus

Best Friend

Coral the Felis Oceanus


All Glory Goes to The Great One The God of Israel! Clammantha is a Felis Oceanus an Open species created by PrePAWsterous who also made this pay to use lineart 

This is Angel The Felis Oceanus. She is very high ranking in the community and Wealthy. Her best friend is Coral The Felis Oceanus. Coral along with her mate Krill run an Orphanage for orphans of a few non-predatory species in the area. Angel helps them with supplies and other monetary needs the little ones needs. She has a younger sister named Molluska whose mate is named Flounder who is the leader of a group of gatherers who collect food from fields of food owned by Angel and Molluska's parents. Angel hopes to make the world a better place and make a difference.

James 5:16

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

If you have any questions about Jesus feel encouraged to send me a note. Hate notes though will be ignored, and won't bother me so it'd be a waste of your time.