
1 year, 4 months ago


[Fellowship "The Pair" with Dwarf traits build]

A round and clever peanut. Nio is a scout with an unusual level of skill in geokinesis, and takes time to quietly ruminate on problems. His ignorance of the world means he's a little stupid anyway.

Belongs to the Void Drow race, a species of blind geokinetics who live underground due to the soporific effect of sunlight of their bodies. They primarily live in the Void Sea, an underground ocean of corrupting black liquid, which they quite literally can't interact with; to them it has no mass and they can't perceive it. While inside the Void Sea, the Void Drow can create crystals beloved for their beauty. At the end of their "lifespans", they themselves crystallize, and are drawn to take "pilgrimages" into the holes deep in the earth consumed by these crystals, never to be seen again.