Wesley Bauer



1 year, 4 months ago


Wesley Bauer

I'm gonna smoke no matter what. I'll wait till your gone if you're gonna throw a fit...

A Private Detective, once dedicated to his field. Now he tends to be a sell out, known to cherry pick cases.

  • Wesley is Austiran and Brittish
  • Wesley's birthday is on mushroom day
  • Wesley was inspired by a dream
  • Wesleys "Bad leg" always switches but he always beleives that its truly his "Bad leg"
  • Wesley has a large salamander plush given to him by is old work partner
  • Wesley often smokes but doesn't consider himself a "Smoker"
  • Languages Known
  • German, Moderate English
  • Instruments
  • N/A
  • Arts and Sports
  • Sewing
  • 5'11/180
  • Messy hair
  • Cane
  • Old clothing
  • carries a taser




Leather Jacket

Body Markings



Old clothing

Won't wear

Bright colors

Wesley was born in Britain, moving to Austria when he was young when his grandmother fell ill and his mother and father agreed to take care of her. The four of them lived a rather average life. His mother settled for early retirement, throwing up her gun and badge. Moving from a life of public service to one of a homebody. Wesley always admired his mothers work so it was no question for him to follow suit of becoming a public official.

Wesley lived a wildlife taking as many cases as he could. He was extremely passionate, doing whatever suited him at the moment. This led him to accept an undercover case; Investigating an herbalist doctor named Scarlet Heiling for medical malpractice. Wesley assumed the role of a writer researching holistic medical treatments for a book. He found himself visiting her house for research, often spending the night there. After a month of staying at her home Wesley hurt his leg snagging it on the edge of her deck. She kindly patched it up. Wesley didn’t think much of it at the moment but his feelings for her were undeniable. As he spent time there Wesley began to grow extremely ill, he found it hard to move and could barely eat food without throwing it all up. He avoids Scarlet's offers to help at first, but when no doctor could find what was wrong with him he accepted her help. He spent most of his days bedridden. He began to sleep in Scarlet's room, often in her bed. She told him that with his sickness she needed to be within an arm's length of him.

The two fell into a loving relationship that seemed unbreakable. Yet no matter how close they seemed it all came to a brutal ending when Wesley found Scarlet mixing bright mushrooms into the stew she was making him. He avoided her cooking and was overtaken with paranoia. The sudden fear towards the woman he called his girlfriend was reassured when his condition improved with the less of her food he ate. He was terrified to leave someone he loved but like waking up from a dream he was sure Scarlet wasnt who she claimed to be. Getting back in contact with his partner Wes and him began looking deeper into scarlet, if not catching her for what he came to find he found her guilty of repeatedly poisoning him just to nurse him back to health. Wesleys partner had her arrested and Wes moved on to become a private detective only taking easy or well paying jobs, scarred from Scarlets Munchausen

Jonah Egger

Wesleys old partner, the two left on good terms. Wesley regrets losing contact, but can't get himself to reach out

Scarlet Heiling

A bitter Ex, he never wants to see her again, he hopes she dies

Leon Lestrade

Hes rather stange, but Wes can't hate this endering nature

Smoke Breaks - Daddy and the Long Legs