


1 year, 8 months ago



Jericho █████

[ Codename ] Scorned


30(At Death)




The Tower


Once a friend of Indra and a lover to Yehn, he grew up close to the two, though lacking the ambition his more enthusiastic counterparts adorned he was keen to try for them. upon the creation of Indra's Pantheon, Jericho obliged to become the god of judgement. Lain upon a sacrificial table his death came in the form of cor-less starmetal, upon revival the blood of the gods poured from his cor.

With their revival brought newfound power, and the shift of viewpoints. Jericho who was once keen to follow Indra and Yehn into rebirth and take his place in the pantheon but after having seen what becoming an unbleeder does to people --loss of compassion, excessive violence-- twisted his mindset.

"we are not gods, we are abominations"


Jericho is agressive and violent, He hates what he's become but he plans to use it to his advantage and for his new goals. He's an up close and personal combatant giving into the idea of monstrosity.


Dual Sickles

Jericho's heart splits into two sickles dripping with ichor, glimmering gold blood that burns to the touch.

Unbleeder Durability Level

Jericho has a high pain tolerance but heals slower than a lot of unbleeders, however he is resillient and stubborn, it takes quite a bit to get him to back down.



Though mostly unsocial, keeping to himself often he is willing to work or collaborate with others, though some would say that working with him isnt the easiest do to his lack of communicaiton. He has no filter; saying what comes to mind without thought sometimes even to a point and is not affected by what others may think or feel with what he has to say. Jericho has overcomed adversity and recognizing that success takes time and due to this exhibits self-control and composure under trial or strain.

-- | -- | --

Not caring what others may think or feel about him unfortuantely also leads to him being rather callous and rude, refusing to accept emotional responsibility or show mercy. Though usually calm he can be quite volatile, Quick to react; having an explosive temper that may grow violent, becoming enraged with little or no provocation. Having been victimized in the past he disposed toward seeking revenge, vindictive and a inability to forgive.

5'9" (175cm)

164 lb (66kg)


Design Notes

  • His pupils are similar to crosshairs, while the rest of his eyes are extremely dark.
  • Ichor is ALWAYS dripping from his cor, often times his clothes and hair is stained by gold.
  • His hair is a mess and looks rather tired constantly.


  • The setting sun
  • Warmth
  • Simplicity
  • Zoology


  • Flashing lights
  • Arguing
  • Flirting
  • Surprises


  • Voice claim is [not found yet],  
  • He grew up in poverty and therefore doesnt quite understand luxury items and often finds himself bewildered by what people will go though for lavish living.
  • He types in all lowercases, including names and the starts of sentances, proper grammer and punctuation doesnt feel like a necessary thing to him.
  • While he lacks social skills with people for the most part hes surprisingly great with animals and children, going out of his way to keep them both out of harms way.
  • While some in Eschaton wont agree with him, he DOES want to live. Just not forever. He hopes that its possible to rid people of immortality BUT be possibly given a second chance at humanity.
  • ███████ ███ █████████ ██
  • Tropes Jericho falls into: [insert tropes here]
[ | code by togo ]