


6 years, 3 months ago



Name Data
Alias(es)Beatrice Portinari
Professional Data
Affiliation(s)The Organization
Devil May Cry
Devil Hunter
Personal Data
Real World Data
Appearance(s)Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 4
Actor(s)Carolina Porqueddu (face)
More Information

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―So-and-So to Blah-Blah

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Beatrice is a demon woman born in hell several hundred years ago, who came to the human world much like Alde to avoid the wars and fighting of the demon world. She has no interest in harming humans, instead choosing to hunt the evil entities who enter the human world to cause harm. Although she has no wish to harm humans, she also is not averse to doing so should the need arise; up to and including killing a human if a situation came to it and there was no other option for her. Something such as that rarely ever occurs though, given that she's a demon and has the aid of her supernatural abilities to prevent such scenarios generally.

In her time living in the human realm she's worked alone for the most part, doing her best to blend in and go under the radar as much as someone can when they look sort of well, not alive really. Inhuman to put it plainly.

Around 100 years prior to the start of the main story of the Devil May Cry games, Beatrice meets and befriends Aldegund after crossing paths on a hunt. Of course both women can tell instantly that the other is supernatural in nature; It's generally second nature to be able to sense that sort of thing. Having been on the human plain for much, much longer than Beatrice, Alde is surprised they had not crossed paths before or that she had not at the very least heard of her being that she's another demon who fought for mankind. She seized the opportunity and invited Beatrice to join her fledgling group of demons who have banded together under the common goal of protecting humanity from their fellow demonic brethren.

As the century progresses, the small group becomes more organized and evolves in to a true organization, albeit underground and highly secretive, with Beatrice being one of the more senior members. Their goal is to allow those that choose to live peacefully among humans to do so, but also recognize that they and creatures like them are a very small minority of demons and to eradicate the ones who only wish to cause harm. They also will eliminate their own members should any of them go rogue and go against the ideals they agreed to in their joining.

Her first appearance in the series, though not her first meeting with Dante, occurs during the events of Devil May Cry 3 when there is a large and sudden influx of demons in the world because of Vergil's actions and his raising of Temen-ni-gru. She's leading a small cell of other demon hunting demons alongside fellow founding member Elliot and his husband and newer member Francois, who were dispatched by The Organization to protect as many humans as they can from the demonic onslaught. In cases such as this, each cell is assembled from affiliated hunters in the region and given emergency orders to spread out across their assigned city to terminate whatever entities they encounter.

In the aftermath of the events of Devil May Cry 3, The Organization is aware of who raised Temen-ni-gru, and for what purpose. Although a general lay person may not know what happened or why a gigantic, demon infested tower suddenly rose in the middle of the city, the group of supernatural beings are all fully aware of the legends and purpose behind it. Because of this, Beatrice, Elliot, and Francois are told to remain stationed in the city to investigate further and keep watch on the remaining son of Sparda.

During the events of Devil May Cry, the three who were kept back are told to observe but not interfere with what was unfolding unless there was no other option; though Mundus' return could be catastrophic if he was not stopped, they also knew that it was Dante's destiny of sorts to defeat him, being the only son of Sparda currently remaining in the human world. They are allowed, however, to provide aid should it be needed, but only indirectly. They do wish to one day approach Dante regarding his devil hunting and their goals as a group, but until that point had deemed him to not be ready for that step at that time.

Beatrice doesn't enter the canon story until after the events of Devil May Cry and the emergence of the demon Trish, but before the start of the anime timeline. With Trish now hunting as a demon herself, The Organization's leaders felt it was best to reach out to her first and attempt to bring her in with them, if only because she was extremely young compared to the rest of the demons in their records; she was made by Mundus to get to Dante in the first place. Beatrice is told to track her and make contact with her, as well as to assure Trish that her and her fellow hunters were not out to impede or harm her. Beatrice does attempt to recruit Trish to The Organization, but Trish turns her down, mentioning that although it's a noble idea, she prefers working on her own terms but that she would keep her eye out should she come across anyone like them who could use their services. It's through Trish that Beatrice is introduced to Dante though; figuring it was in everyones best interests for him to know there were other demons out there hunting demons.

It was not intended for any of the hunters affiliated with The Organization to make contact with Dante yet, but being that she was introduced to him almost by accident, Beatrice was made the unofficial representative of sorts when dealing with him from then on. She was told to explain their goals and why they existed, as well as to stress that the demons within their ranks all had many, many centuries combined of proof that they were dedicated to protecting humanity without question. He was confused at first, but of course tried to hide it, not sure how to feel that such a far reaching group of demons existed right under his nose without him ever having heard of it. He did eventually come around and agree to an informal alliance with them, deciding that if he could work with Trish, who was a demon herself, he could come to some kind of agreement with this group of demon hunting demons as well.

From then forward, certain hunting jobs are funneled through to Devil May Cry and it's affiliated hunters, and in the future to Nero's Fortuna branch of Devil May Cry as well.

By the events of the animated series, Beatrice is a semi regular guest in the shop, dropping by to give both jobs and information when she comes across either. Morrison, Dante's agent at the time, finds it particularly annoying considering that it's his job to get Dante jobs but work is work and considering it's hard to get him off his ass he'll take whatever comes. She also meets Patty around this time, and finds her to be absolutely adorable, much to Dante's displeasure. The more she's told she's cute the bigger a head she'll get, which Beatrice tells him that she's not surprised he'd recognize that since he has a big head himself. She also occasionally takes Patty shopping when she can, deciding that Dante could use some time off from the young girl and because she simply enjoyed making her happy.

In the years just before the events of Devil May Cry 4, Beatrice was asked to accompany several of her fellow members on a short scouting mission in the city of Fortuna, to investigate if rumors of a white haired teenage boy associated with the Order of the Sword were true. As with their initial missions regarding Dante, they were explicitly told not to interfere or contact their potential target in any way, and to merely confirm or refute the existence of such a person and discover what they could about him. With her close relationship to Dante, Beatrice can see there is some sort of connection to Sparda in the boy, but is unsure of what or how at the time of their investigation however she is careful to note this anyway. Nothing particularly suspicious or concerning is found about the boy, Nero, but all of the members assigned to the mission note that his white hair and bright blue eyes were clear indications of some sort of connection to Sparda. This was before Nero's Devil Bringer manifested itself.

After she returns from this mission, she's told she is not allowed to relay this information to Dante. Beatrice's connection to him is widely known within The Organization and should this child be some sort of relation to Dante through Sparda, they wanted it to be as secretive as possible. It's a tough secret for her to keep, knowing that no matter how far down he buries his pain, Dante is still very much hurt over his family and his brother and the potential for him to have any sort of familial connection was there, but she was not allowed to speak of it.

As it turned out, Trish had infiltrated the Order herself in the years following and Dante was told of the situation anyway, which inadvertently took the weight off of Beatrice's shoulders. After the fact she does tell Trish this, the only other person outside of The Organization she trusts with this knowledge, who assures her that she did nothing wrong following her orders and that not informing them was better in the end because of how much danger Nero could have been in should that information have gotten out earlier, even just to Dante himself.

During the events of Devil May Cry 4, Beatrice assists Trish in evacuating the citizens of Fortuna as well as exterminating the demons attacking the city. Before the summoning and evacuation, she's given the informal mission from her superiors of investigating the actions of Agnus, the Orders chief alchemist, his research of demonic power, and his creation of artificial demons.

After things have returned to mostly normal following the dissolution of the Order, the organization proposes a formal partnership with both the main branch of Devil may Cry and the newly formed Fortuna branch headed up by Nero, which Beatrice is to be the liason for. Because it is a partnership and not an absorbtion of the business, neither branch of Devil May Cry is forced to participate in any of the organizations activities should they not want to. It's merely an officially recorded way of them being able to easily keep up with and provide any assistance or jobs to the devil hunters such as they do for any of their members.

Weapons and Abilities


Beatrice's standard weaponry consists of an ornately engraved arming sword and a heavily customized Smith and Wesson Model 29-5 44 mag. 8.5" barrel revolver. Her sword is apart of her soul as a demon and would be considered her Devil Arm, though her pistol was aquired relatively recently as compared to the time of her emergance into the human world. Although her own standard arsenal is particularly modest, she can of course wield other Devil Arms should she come across them. However typically she turns these over to The Organization or occasionally to Dante himself depending on the specific weapon and the soul of the demon within it.

Physical Abilities

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Devil Trigger

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • Beatrice was named after the woman that is the so called love of Dante Alighieri's life and the inspiration for the character of Beatrice in the Divine Comedy, as well as the principle inspiration for La Vita Nuova. As a character she is intended to be a long standing love interest of Dante's, but subtly and without being immediately obvious. Their story is not meant to be soley a love story but also a story of companionship and unquestionable trust in each other.
  • As with other hunter characters in the series and particularly Dante himself, Beatrice uses an alias for her dealings with the wider world; Beatrice Portinari. As mentioned, inspired by the woman who captivated Dante Aligheri himself.
  • Since she is a demon who chooses to fight for humanity and protect them rather than kill for sport, her devil trigger and demonic forms will be inspired by several catholic saints also named Beatrice. Her sense of justice and right and wrong is very keen, especially for a demon, and the themes of fallen angels and saints will play a part in her imagery.
  • The colors of her outfits were also directly picked from contemporary paintings of said saints, having aged and changed colors they ended up giving her a red/reddish purple color scheme which fits nicely in to the blues/reds/purples that make up the bulk of the color schemes of characters affiliated with Sparda and his descendants.
  • Another nod to both her significant age as well as the sources of inspiration for her character, Beatrice speaks 3 human languages besides English; Latin, Italian, and Spanish.

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