Jasper Beyoarth



6 years, 1 month ago


Originally written by Lurhstaap for S'ren! Jaspers are a noncanon breeding color from XaaaCi. Her struggles with laying are a result of multiple otherwise benign genes and mutations managing to express themselves in just the wrong ways; as a Jasper she isn't given firestone, but instead a concoction of herbs that reduces the number of eggs she produces in order to prevent her from becoming egg-bound as a reaction to the extreme difficulty she had with her first clutch.

Beyoarth is, overall, built for speed and power. She manages to be bulky in a sleek way, with stringy, taut muscles wound closely around her long, slender bones. The jasper's body has a tapered shape, which contributes to this impression. Her shoulders are broad and strong, with good wing support (though her forelegs are correspondingly rather small, even for her species, and she's prone to an awkward semi-bipedal "skipping" gait when she's on the ground.) The chest, accordingly, is deep and muscular, but her somewhat elongated barrel narrows toward the belly/flanks, leading to a trim waist and slender hips. She looks elegant and strong, but her build is more that of a fighting dragon than a clutcher, and she may struggle with egg-laying at times, or even be sterile (perhaps inexplicably, perhaps due to a known genetic flaw/problem, perhaps even due to accidental or deliberate early firestone exposure?) (Again - player's option.) Beyoarth is a big girl, but a couple feet short of being the longest dragon of her color. Her wings are generally adapted for maneuverability (that is, they are rather short and broad in shape - think a small, forest-dwelling raptor, like a kestrel), but they have extended attachment edges - the membrane goes down her tail to a degree instead of stopping above her hips - which allows her some extra stamina and sustainability in the air that she'd otherwise lack with her wing type. Thanks to this unusual wing shape (for a large color; it's more often seen on greens and blues) and her overall physical conformation, her top flight speed is excellent, though acceleration isn't great. If she has enough time to get up to top speed, though, she's little more than a ruby streak. She can dart and turn with remarkable prowess - her turn radius is that of a much smaller dragon. However, she gives up staying power in order to have this ability, so her flights don't tend to last as long as those of dragons with longer, narrower wings, which may affect the size of her clutches (again, player's option). Still, she's no green - males in pursuit will really need to work to keep up with Beyoarth, and purely for physiological reasons, she will never be an easy catch - very few dragons her size or larger will be able to match her agility, even if they can outlast her. Like all Jaspers, Beyoarth's hide has an attractive adularescent sheen. Beyoarth expresses this trait strongly, with a deep, rich luster and multiple silvery-tinged "moonstone bands/streaks" that chase each other over her form in bright light when she moves. Her hide has an oddly cloudy, almost translucent look, too, closely imitating the appearance of the actual stone in all ways... that is, except color, for no moonstone was ever as brilliantly crimson as Beyoarth is. Most of her body is a shade of red with just enough blue/coolness in it to make the color seem like it's on the border between red and a deep pink. It's more properly described as a deep, cool red. The color shades toward her spine to dark crimson, a gradual gradient. In the opposite direction, the color gradient pales as one's eye drifts toward the belly and feet, with an abrupt shift so that the toes and the very middle of the belly have shifted to a light, warm cream. The tailfork is this same creamy color, shifting gradually from the body color down the tail. Starting at the base of the tail and continuing down to just before the fork are thick pinkish-red bands that wrap all the way around the tail, like the bands on the tail of an iguana. The bands begin a darker, desaturated shade of the base color - close to black but not enough to be mistaken for it, but they lighten as they go down the tail until they're almost as pale as the underlying red-to-cream gradient (but not affected by it - the bands remain reddish black-to-reddish gray). The entire head and neck are pure, inky black, as if Beyoarth had dipped her head in a bucket of ink. Overlying this are golden markings (albeit having the same finish as the rest of her, the color still reads as 'golden' to a human eye, albeit an odd sort of iridescent gold rather than metallic gold.) These facial markings sort of resemble eyeliner combined with a cheetah's 'tear lines'. Her headknobs and eye ridges, too, are touched with gold, and her neck ridges are golden. Her wing membranes are the same color as the rest of her on top, shading to black along the trailing edge, with dark streaks or stripes shot through the gradient. Underneath, though, the sails are white with cloudy shading in cream and rosy red, with a strong adularescent shimmer. In the center of the main sail is a big eyespot marking, black and white with a thin outline of iridescent cobalt and a thicker ring of gold. This makes a striking contrast with the rest of her. When Beyoarth has her wings folded, she's pretty enough - but when she rears to her hind legs and flares her wings, it's a dramatic, stunning sight, enough to eclipse the glory of some "real" queens. On the whole, Beyoarth isn't the best-conformed dragon ever hatched, with several flaws in her structure despite overall soundness - but she's got to be among the prettiest. Personality: This lovely Jasper dragon carries herself upright, with evident self-confidence. She looks like the sort who'd look down on 'lesser' colors, and generally be self-important and full of herself. In practice, this isn't true, though she does tend to be cool and remote to some degree (especially with dragons she doesn't know well; she almost never contacts humans who aren't her rider at all). Beyoarth is very aware of how important and necessary all the 'normal' colors are to the Weyr's health and functioning, although she does tend to pity and unintentionally talk down to whites. She tends to think of whites as being a sort of disability rather than a true 'color' in themselves. The Jasper doesn't blame them for it, since they obviously can't help having been born as whites, but she takes for granted that, if they'd been given such a choice, they'd've chosen to be whatever color they would have been if not for the white gene messing things up for them. With all of that said, she does tend to have a sophisticated, elegant way of presenting herself, and can still come across as 'upper crust' or even 'snooty' in spite of her lack of elitism in the narrow sense. The better she knows a given dragon, the warmer and more casually she relates to them - regardless, though, even if she were to fall completely in love with another dragon, there would always be a slight sense of aloofness and distance to her interactions. Beyoarth knows she isn't perfect. She's aware of darker, fiercer impulses and currents running through the shallower parts of her unconscious mind... metaphorical sharks whose forms can't be clearly seen, but whose presence is obvious as rippling shadows that move with grim, fluid grace beneath the surface. Beyoarth's behavior is never passive, but she has impeccable self-control and very rarely crosses the boundary between assertiveness and aggression. The Jasper sees herself as cool, calm, and self-possessed, and doesn't want to jeopardize that (either in her own mind or the people who might witness her 'lapse'.) Her mastery of her impulses, in general, is impressive, but the result is the somewhat over-controlled aloofness that most people experience. Still, that doesn't mean she doesn't -want- to. There are times when she wants to lash out, to snap and snarl, to be aggressive... even violent. But dragons were engineered to be peaceful creatures, so even as these deep instincts rear their ugly heads, others rise up in protest, causing feelings of cognitive dissonance and real discomfort. There's a hard edge to this female, but one she does not allow to come out if she can possibly help it, like a killer's knife wrapped in a concealing silken shroud. To her mind, the only correct way to react to this situation is to suppress the "bad" ideas/thoughts/emotions, to never allow them to show. And showing those parts of herself which she has chosen to hide makes her feel deeply vulnerable, which in turn is unacceptable to her. Also, she frets about the consequences of allowing herself to act out. She knows that she could hurt someone's feelings who did nothing to deserve it, even someone she cares about. In truth, she worries about this more than is really reasonable. After all, no one is perfect. Everyone gets angry or sad sometimes, and has thoughts they wouldn't want to act on. Beyoarth just doesn't see it that way when it comes to herself, even though she may give such reasonable counsel to someone else. Hence that sense of distance and aloofness. She's always holding part of herself back, and doesn't realize that in doing so, she's denying some of the better parts of herself to others as well as her worse parts. It's as if Beyoarth were a rose sealed in glass... you can see the beautiful colors, preserved forever within the glass, but you can get only so close. You can't be pricked by the thorns - but you cannot smell the perfume, either. Beyoarth is one of those females who, while she won't necessarily turn into a raging bitch-goddess, will definitely put the males through their paces. She isn't the kind who calls out, one by one, "OK, you and you - you're out, sorry," nor one who is likely to simply choose one out of the pack when she still has the energy and space herself to try another gambit. To put it another way, she will never choose a male if she can still try to winnow the pack down to one. It's rare for her to actually be -caught-, too, in the sense of a male making a clever or brute-force move that puts her in a position where she has no choice but to "choose" that male. Smaller male colors have trouble keeping up with her raw speed, while larger males usually can't match her agility. Her Flights tend to be contests of both agility and endurance - not so much long term flying, but the ability to execute one difficult maneuver after another without wrenching any muscles or otherwise hurting yourself, or crashing into a competitor, or using too much energy on any given move. The males who win are not merely those with the most stamina, but those who can either follow her through her crazy flight path without burning out before she does, or those who are clever enough to follow in a less energy-demanding way and thus who can hang on while others drop out one by one from exhaustion (or the pain of a pulled wing tendon, or whatever.) Beyoarth shows a somewhat different face to her rider than she does to the rest of the world. To S'ren, she is nurturing, affectionate, eternally understanding and eternally forgiving. She may gently lecture him, or even give a more sharply worded reality check if she thinks he needs it. On the whole, though, Beyoarth feels rather motherly toward her rider and the coolness/distance which is apparent in her interactions with everyone else, even dragons she is very fond of, is completely absent when she is speaking to S'ren. Still, this also means her self control in general is a little less when interacting with her rider; if she's upset or angry, she doesn't mind showing it to him as much as she does others, since he doesn't make her feel vulnerabe. After all, they are already bonded, two as one. Ironically, that means Beyoarth is more likely to vent her more negative emotions at S'ren than she is others; though she doesn't often do this kind of thing in general, still, she's willing to snap, snarl, rant, grumble, mope, and generally vent emotionally to S'ren in a way no one else would ever be allowed to witness. Even Iikka (and any dragon Iikka may have) are not exempt from this - if they show up while she's being more open with S'ren, she'll stop immediately and act as if nothing was happening - at least, nothing worth commenting on.