👪 Richardo (Richardo, Carlos)



6 years, 2 months ago


Carlos Alejandro Miguel Richardo



Carlos was a loving man, always keeping his family close to his heart even after they split up. He never held his family in contempt even after they gave him the ultimatum of choosing either them or Carmen in an attempt to get him away from what they saw as an unhealthy relationship. In fact, Diana's name was supposed to be Melodía after his favourite sister's first name.

He adores his daughter and was heartbroken that he was estranged from her after being encarcerated for crimes he didn't commit. He sent comic books to Diana regularly to try and bond with her as his english wasn't very strong so communication was hard for a while. It wasn't until just before he died that Diana learned enough spanish to be able to properly converse with him.


Carlos and his siblings all look very clearly related, with the same strong jawline and broad bone structure. As a teenager, Carlos was very thin and stringy, coming across as the geek he honestly is and it wasn't until he was in his mid20s that he got any sort of meat on his bones lol

  • Comics
  • Roses
  • Fantasy
  • Catholicism
  • Family
  • The US Judicial System
  • rACISM
  • Orange Juice
  • Sweets
  • Snap-judgements

"They tried to bury us.

They didn't know we were seeds."


Carlos Richardo was born to Guadelupe Martinez-Richardo just days before she crossed the border into America from Mexico illegally with her 3 daughters in tow. For a good portion of his childhood, he lived in an immigrant heavy town just outside Albequeque, NM where he was never for lack of love from his mother's found family and his step-father. It was shortly before his 8th birthday when his step-father was offered a job in New Jersey and, after aquiring false papers of citizenship, the family made the move into the slightly larger home that Carlos's family would call home until infighting would break them up and scatter them across the states.

While attending middle school, Carlos happened to briefly meet Carmen Sanderson and instantly in a hopeless infatuation he would never grow out of.

Post graduation and battling the judicial system.

profile html by Hukiolukio