
1 year, 5 months ago



(Pronounced See-arn)



Uses a Bow and Nail. Bow for Ranged, and Nail for any enemys that get too close.


After spending some time (like, multiple years or whatever) in The Abyss, Cian got bored, not having much to do in a pretty empty void isnt exactly exciting, i imagine. Well it certainly wasnt to Cian, so knowing that there was a whole world above them, they went to the top of the abyss and walked out the fucking door (Slay)

From there they just went exploring, before realizing pretty fast it wouldnt be able to go far without some weapons, so it went back to the abyss to grab some void to use as a weapon. Eventually Cian found its way to Deepnest where it found the bow it uses to fire its void arrows. The bow however, had a spell sealed inside it, so when cian fires, it seems to mix a bit of light in with their void arrows, causing whoever gets hit by one to have light brung into them and then void rages soon after, attacking the light, and they cause such an impact on the targets body it ends up killing them. This is in a matter of seconds. 

When they reached Blue Lake, they saw a nail, and seeing it was in pretty good condition, grabbed it for itself. Stayed and enjoyed blue lakes view for a while after that.  Now, Cian just explores Hallownest, looking for interesting things. Maybe sometime they'll go beyond the kingdom, who knows.


-Covers nail in void when using it to make it more effective 

- Bag contains Void to use for arrows, etc.

 - You can see the part of the head that would otherwise be covered by the bandana on the ref sheet, but thats like that simply to get an idea of the shape of the head.