Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

230-2304659_computer-icons-warning-sign- WARNING! THIS PROFILE CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: 230-2304659_computer-icons-warning-sign-

  • Gore
  • Violence
  • Flashing
  • Bright
  • Needles
  • Bugs
  • Mentions of sensitive topics
  • slurs i can reclaim (i don't use often but you'd probably see it)


Anyone who actively associates with anyone on my blacklist, anyone who has me blocked, anyone who don't fw my friends, pro/comshippers, people who associate with medias such as Ranfran, alfred's playhouse, birdie fan, kittydog fan, foxiboxi fan, things in that nature (i do not mind if it's a hyperfixation you cannot control but you're on thin ice, some medias i will not stand and i don't want u near me), any other things in the usual dni criteria, just don't be a weirdo! Also if you copy everything about me and/or take heavy inspo of my characters I don't like you either ^_^


I'm very shy! Sorry if I don't respond quickly I try my best! PLEASE keep in mind of my character global design TOS and the blacklist that's located there! 

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

WARNING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blood, violence, bodyhorror .... derp

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