


1 year, 4 months ago


Created way back in 05.06.2016, known as Erik Kintapl/Anthony


the Teacher
Erik Kintapl is known as a teacher in Sunburst City and leads the class where Abigail is in.
While teaching the students what they need, he seems to be very supportiv and observant of Abigail and what she does.
Abigail trusts him and usually comes to him for advice specifc things. Later on also the evidence found in Vivian´s labs.

The Secret
He is known as a traitor later on, but by Vivian as he decided to help the group. He was brainwashed in believing what Vivian does is good. Until finding out the secret Abigail had brought along and discovering the whole truth. Warning Abigail the same day as an explosion had hit his apartment and him within. He survived however heavy and got saved by his teacher friend who got him to safety.
His back got damaged and his bodyparts severed. He survived thankfully with one of his prototype inventions he wanted to showcase to the Medbay of the city. Placing it upon his back to secure and let him stand again. With this at least able to move. Prosthetic leg and arm helped him with movements and his teacher friend supporting along the way, keeping the secret as he was said to be dead.
Of course later cops followed the trail (along with Agent Miles and Agent Alien) who almost found him.
Viv´s Henchman had found the teacher assistant and killed her off after not getting any information.
The loss of his friend hit deep and Anthony as he now named himself, was determined to get revenge. Fighting Viv´s men and creatures that would roam and harm others.

The Defender
Took on a role of a Defender and got himself a costume together (the Feline Mask beeing part of that) along a cybergenetical tail that moved along how he wanted. Known as the Defender, doing what he can.
Later stumbling upon Simon who found him harmed after a battle and helped him.
The two sharing a big secret and Anthony lived in the attic part of Simons house as well as below in order to recover.

The Old Group


To him:

-Right arm and right leg have been badly severed and burn marks as well as alot of scars from the attack in his apartment
-Smokes when nervous or mad
-Deaf on his right ear (wears a hearing aid there)
-Has learned to sign language from Abigail