Whitney Weaver



1 year, 4 months ago


"The Widow"

"And you don't stop dancing, don't stop smiling, till that damned curtain falls."
—Whitney Weaver

Image by cosmic_pugz
Cisgender Female
26 years old
January 13th
American/Latino Heritage


Whitney is a 5'7 latino woman in her mid twenties, looking a tad older than her age. She has black slightly curly hair that goes down to her neck, with choppy bangs that cover some of her face. She has a defined straight nose, clear skin, and brown eyes. She usually wears orange eyeshadow and black lipstick. She has a bit of a bigger and curvy figure as well. She wears one of her show outfits; a red flapper attire with an orange feather boa, pearl necklace & earrings, black long gloves, black stockings, and black boots.


Before everything, Whitney was known as a pretty face that can sing and dance. That was it. No one knew how intelligent and cunning she could be, how she adores the spotlight, and how loud mouthed she can be. In the eyes of the public she was the sweet young lady with a happy marriage. That's what her family and husband expected her to be, to be proper and good representation.


When she's not on stage or by cameras, Whitney is cold, blunt, and harsh. Wanting to speak her mind and tell people off, but knowing she can't. All she can do is lash out when in private. Overall, Whitney was an angry mess ready to snap. And she did.


Murdering her husband didn't change her much in the end. Instead it awakened something in her. A despire to become a more bold and intimidating person, refusing to let people walk all over her. She's still whitty and persistent, but now she's become more rude, detached, and shameless. She isn't shy to tell others what she did, as she knows no one can arrest her. Now she's more lively than before, as she can indulge in being herself and not some pretty little flapper who's doing what she's told.


Whitney Weaver was born in upper class, surronded by wealth and privilage. And yet despite everything, Whitney did not want the life her parents expected her to have. She didn't want to be some settled down rich wife with a bunch of kids and a boring husband. No, instead she always wanted one thing: Fame. When she was eighteen years old, Whitney was ready to run away from her family and become a star. However, when her parents caught wind of this, they did the one thing she wasn't expecting. They accepted it. In fact, they thought it would be perfect for her as she could be seen as an icon for her family, something that can bring in wealth. So they made her start dancing and singing, twisting the thing she once dreamed of doing and turning it into a living nightmare.


She managed to rocket into fame due to her parents being the ones covering for shows. She started off at seventeen, doing local preformances at speakeasies. The next year once she became more well known, she went onto bigger stages and bigger audiences. By nineteen she was finally leaving New York to go across the country and preform. However, there was a catch. Her parents needed someone responsible, someone wealthy and successful, to go with her and make sure she doesn't get into anything they don't approve of. So Whitney is introduced to a man named Clyde Martian, her future husband and new show manager. Once the arranged marriage went through, they left New York and continued on the show business for the next 7 years.


She couldn't take it any longer. Her dream was now ruined by her family and husband. She needed to have control of her life. For once in her life, she wanted to have the stage all to herself. She wanted to run her own dance, and not be puppeted by someone else...

On April 15th, after a showing in Chicago, Whitney went up to her room to smoke. Her husband Martian came by not long after, telling her about how she needed to stay quiet during the interviews and conferences once again. "I have just gotten back from the people at the bar, you better be thanking me for saving the business proposal after the way you spoke to them. And you wanna know why? Because I am the one keeping your show afloat, not you!" And she finally snapped.

When Whitney regained consciousness, she found herself in the hotel's bathroom. Blood on her hands and in the running sink. Her husband's dead body out of the corner in her sight. Her only regret is that she wasn't able to recall the experience, as she wished she could do it again for everything he put her through. But there was a new problem. She couldn't hide from this and will be arrested soon. Her career was now over and all she could do was blame her husband. But a miracle happened then. A shadowy figure slipped through the door, his voice coming from the radio on her nightstand. He was willing to give her a deal. I know of a way to keep your reputation secured, as you hide away from reporters. I can bring you somewhere else... It all seemed perfect since it would give Whitney a place to lay low and avoid the charges. Now people will assume she was kidnapped instead of being the murderer. So she took his deal and left her life behind...


Now Whitney is currently in the constant, away from the law and away from her fame. No one back home has managed to put together the true events of what happened, just like what Whitney hoped for. While being in the constant, she has no regrets for her crime or for her decision. She's gotten used to the harsh jungles she started with on the sky islands, before eventually ending up in the constant most of the survivors share. Her experience with them is mixed. Sometimes she refuses to associate with them and wants to be alone (seeing them as pathetic or too lowly for her). However as time went on, she got a bit more used to them and is now somewhat involved in finding the way out. Even if deep down she's not sure she's ready to leave and see if her actions will catch up to her...


Whitney Weaver is usually cold when it comes to most of the survivors. She ranges between 3 moods. One is being kind, unable to be rude because she thinks they're just too good for this cruel world and can't seem to hate them (Any of the kids & Wolfgang). The other is no respect because she thinks they should do better. Or at least should be using their skills to what she calls "proper use", that being murder (Maxwell, Warly). The last one is just being an asshole for the sake of it, constantly demeaning them just to get a rise from them (Willow, Winona, Wilson). Below are the relationships that have more to say:


Whitney's family consists of her mother (Camila Monterio), her father (Edgar Weaver), and her grandparents (Marina and Augusto Weaver) who come from her father's side of the family. work in progress


work in progress


Whitney does not like Winchester. She considers him to be a spineless, pathetic, cockroach of a man. She's quite rude to him because of this. However, as time went on, her behavior softens a tad. She still doesn't like him, but she's acknowledged why he's like this and feels a small amount of pity for him. If someone else is mean to him, she'll snap at them. All while denying that she's starting to care in a way. It's a frenemies thing, but Winchester fears her and she thinks he's pathetic.


Before Whitney ended up in the DST Constant (post Maxwell/Charlie's reign), she was originally in Hamlet. There she encountered the aeronaut Wheeler a few times. While most survivors she does not like or care for, Wheeler was the first exception to this. She loved how daring Wheeler was, and found her to be fascinating. It's a shame she hasn't been able to see her again. But Whitney hopes she can spend time with her again...



Whitney's main game mechanics center around combat mechanics. The higher her health is, the faster her speed is (allowing her to easily kite enemies similar to Wheeler's speed boost). She is also able to craft her own set of weapons. There are three that she can craft, all of them based around the supposive ways she murdered her husband:

  • Poison: Can coated onto weapons and seasoned onto crockpot meals like the other seasonings. Will slowly deduct health for the next five minutes. Only Whitney can see if something has poison on it.
  • Knife: Can be crafted with flint and made as a cheap yet decent weapon. Even if it doesn't do a lot of damage for one hit, it's a lot faster to use, allowing Whitney to get more hits in before having to dodge.
  • Pistol: Acts as a ranged weapon similar to Warbuck's gun. Uses gunpowder and doesn't break after being made. Despite the expensive cost, can provide a good amount of damage.

Despite Whitney's lower health compared to other combat-based characters, her main purpose is kiting and do do damage from a distance, with her exclusive weapons allowing her to fight without getting hurt so easily.

Other things to note for game mechanics: Her favorite food is Frozen Banana Daquiri. Her Hallowed Nights costume is a Spider Queen. Her instrument voice is a saxophone.



  • Whitney was heavily inspired off the musical Chicago, which follows the story of a murderer using her crime for fame.
  • Whitney was born in the United States, but her family was originally from South America. Her grandparents were the ones that immigrated over and managed to start a successful life for their future descendents.
  • Her voice reference is Velma Kelly from Chicago.Velma was the big inspiration for her character in general.
  • It is unknown to everyone how she managed to kill her husband, as she always changes the story in some way. However the main three theories are poison, gunshot, or stabbing.