


1 year, 5 months ago


please keep chubby!

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided
And I just can't hide
I kind of like it
When I make you cry
'Cause I'm twisted-up
I'm twisted-up

✶ Name: Mack

✶ Age: Adult - Early twenties

✶ Pronouns: He/Him

✶ Gender: Alpha Transgender male

✶ Species: Human

✶ Occupation: Hockey player

✶ Angry ✶ Hot-headed ✶ Assertive ✶ Defensive ✶ Close-minded ✶ Perceptive ✶ Thoughtful ✶

When it comes to this hot-headed man, it is hard to reason with him. As an alpha, he has a lot to live up to. Mack believes full-heartedly that as an alpha in this society, he has to be strong, stoic, and unemotional. He believes this so fully, he follows it in anger. In his rage, he doesn't ever realize he's breaking one of the alpha rules he set for himself.

Mack was raised pretty conseratively when it came to the alpha and omega dynamics of the home. His father planted in his mind from a very early age that all relationships should be alpha and omega only. And in those relationships, the alpha wears the pants and the omega goes home and cooks dinner. He stands by this so firmly to the point he's correcting and upsetting his own friends and the only people that will stand by him with his bigottedness. Hell, during one point his friends wouldn't talk to him over his bigotry.

It's easy to wonder why Mack is so verbal about his hatred of alpha-alpha and omega-omega relationships.

It's because Mack is only attracted to alphas. It scares him! He, as an alpha, isn't supposed to like other alphas! It's like extreme internalized homophobia. He falls so deeply in love with another alpha but fights himself, the alpha, and his own wants. He almost loses the love of his life like this.

Now in the present, Mack is doing pretty well. He learned to accept his love for alphas after going through hell for his love. Though, he doesn't talk to any of his family anymore.

The horrors of night melt away
Under the warm glow
Of survival of the day
Then we move on
My shadow grows taller along with my fears
And my frame shrinks smaller as night grows near

-'Semi-Automatic' by Twenty One Pilots
