Beredith (Strudel)



10 months, 10 days ago




7157427_9hqEGWXKOzx4VY4.png?1531244339Beredith is a classy butler who part-times as a waiter in a little bakery. She talks like she came straight from yee olden days. It gets annoying, but at least her vocabulary could put a librarian to shame. Her past? A mystery, she won't say. Her hobbies? No one knows that either, but some say they've spotted her getting into street fights with a gang of tricksters. One thing you can be certain about is that Beredith is a huge flirt and will show reckless abandon to hit on any girl within close proximity. Most of her attempts are futile, but gets flustered when one confidently responds back. She's is a strudel who hates showing weakness and cares greatly about her appearance, so she gets irritated when a hair is out of place or she's dirtied up in any sort of way. She's always busy with something, just how she likes it. It feels very odd doing nothing, there's always something to be done. Beredith's physique is a tad bit shorter than other strudels, but she has unfathomable strength: you name it, she can lift it, no problem. She's so cool and suave that she's hard to approach, as she speaks with an intimidating authority in her voice (despite her pet phrases being "at your service" and "I only live to serve").


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"[quote tba]"


20571674_JBzzVEmKpppUOIU.gif[Backstory TBA]

Song 【GUMI】ダンスホールドール

Non-canon Voice [voice tba]

Masterlist Eggs Benedict - Household Strudel

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