Blair Woods




Gun Use

Body Horror

Visual Bones



Cult Mention

Mental Health (PTSD)



Blair Woods


Late 20s



January 1st


Blair usually wears dull colors. She's not a fan of the long skirts but she wears it regardless just like the other women in the village. Her black button down shirt, long dark gray skirt, a gray torn up family scarf and her durable boots is her main outfit. She changes her skirt into a pair of dark brown pants for when she hunts. She does recieve a forest green shawl and a handmade metal necklace as a gift later on.

Her hair is always put up in a ponytail. Her body is covered in scars from her job. Most of them from animal attacks but most of the scars on her hands are from the actual butchering process.




eye color

hair color
Light Brown

skin color



Blair does not fit in with the rest of the village. She keeps to herself and likes to avoid everyone when she's not busy selling animal meat. She is very independed and strong willed. She does not like to be talked down to and stands up for herself no matter what. Despite her negative feelings to the villagers, she always makes sures everyone is fed and has enough food for when the harsh weather comes by.



Not knowing much about her family's history, the villagers do not know much about Blair and she prefers it that way. It is known that she did indeed grew up in the village with her parents and a older sibling but even they were quiet about their life. Suddenly, they were just gone and it was only Blair.

In reality, Blair's parents were turned into lycans while they were away on a "hunting trip" and came back to their home. Killing and eating their oldest son alive. Blair was hidden in a wardrobe the entire time, hearing her brother being killed for the entire night. It wasn't until when dawn broke, she slowly got out, grabbed the shotgun her brother had and killed her now lycan mother. She attempted to shoot her now lycan father but tackles her to the ground. Scaring her face some as he tries to kill her, Blair grabs his knife from the back of his pants and stabs him in the head, killing her own father. Blair is now left on her own, tramatized.

Blair is the villagers local hunter and butcher. She does take pride in her work and does make a good living out of it but the only bad thing about it is her social skills. Blair is mute and only speaks through notes. Blair secretly does not worship the other lords and Mother Miranda like the others. She believe they are a joke, despite knowing of their powers. Something sinister is going on with them and she knows it. Why would she worship them? Especially Mother Miranda.


After a big misunderstanding (and a broken door) is when her real story begins. Heisenberg became a pain in her neck when the villagers complained about her disappearence while she was away on her three day hunting trip. After that, they seemed to run into each other more often and it irritated her. Heisenberg got a kick out of her mutism and frustration. After a while, she does get fed up one night during one of their encounters and punches the Lord in the face. Not caring about the consequences. She went to bed that night, thinking she's gonna die by a pack of Lycans but to her surprise, she didn't.

Heisenberg didn't show up until either a few days or a week later. It was no secret that he had some interest in the butcher after that night. Hell, he was impressed. He began to try and learn more about her and get close for his own entertainment. He secrectly visits her at night when the villagers are in their houses and/or asleep. He talks her ear off and actually helps her with cutting up animal meat. They both create a strong friendship between them to the point Blair starts to talk to him. It's not often and when she does speak, she only says one or two words. This thrills Heisenberg and tries to get her to talk at any chance he can get. However, during all this Heisenberg begins to get paranoid about their friendship and Mother Miranda finding out about it. There is no telling what she would do if she finds out. Unfortunately, they find out not long after.


On November 11th, early in the afternoon. Blair was in the middle of a hunt when a group of Lycans suddenly crept up on her and attacked. She managed to get away without any harm to her and hid in a nearby cave. After a moment, Blair thought it was safe to come out of the cave. Still having her guard up and shotgun in hand, she emerges from the cave but was quickly attacked by the Lycans. One tore off her right arm, up to her elbow and she begins to panic. She knew she was close to the Factory and began to run towards it. She makes it to the gates and yells for Heisenberg's help. Knowning he has speakers nearby. But she was now surrounded by the Lycans. She knew she had to fight, regardless of how much pain she is in and how dizzy she was from the bloodloss. But she will not go down without a fight. Only using her knife and left hand, she managed to kill a few but she was quickly overwhelmed and was brought to the ground. At this point, Heisenberg heard her call and rushed out to the gates. Hearing her screams and flesh being torn off as he ran. But when he got there, it was too late. Blair died from the blood loss as the Lycans continued to rip her to shreads. Heisenberg furiously kills and scare away the others and is now seeing what was left of his friend. Her left hand dugged into the dirt towards the gate, as if she was trying to drag her way towards it. She was truely gone.


Heisenberg couldn't let her go.

After Blair's death, he took her to his factory and began to work on what was left of her body. If he could reanimate the dead with his powers than surley he could do the same to her, right? Heisenberg refused to use the Cadou at first. Believeing that she shouldn't go through the same shit he went through. Having this parasite in her. But after 29 attempts, he was left with no choice and put the Cadou in her body.

The Cadou accepted her body but she never woke up. She is in a permanent sleep state which pissed Heisenberg off. But that didn't stop him from working on her. On top of working on his Soldats, he worked on making her a new body as well as finding a way to wake her up.

Blair remains in the back room in Heisenberg's Quarters where no one could get to. No one knows she's in there besiden Heisenberg himself. That's until Ethan Winters stumbles across the room and dares to look inside while on the mission to save his daughter.



Karl Heisenberg

Blair despised Heisenberg at first. She hated everything about him. Especially how he teased her with her disablity. But when they grew close over time, she began to open up to him more. Even though she likes Donna Benevieto, she only trusted Karl with almost everything. Especially her feelings towards Miranda. She considered Karl to be her one and only true friend.

Donna Beneviento

Blair likes some degree. They both seemed to understand each other due to their selective mutism but that doesn't make Blair completely trust the female lord. She enjoys when she gets to visit Donna and Angie when she has to make a delivery to their home. However, those dolls in that house gives her the fucking creeps.

Mother Miranda

Blair does not like Miranda. Not one bit. She doesn't trust her nor believes what she says to the village. Blair knows she's not up to any good and believes she had something to do with the death of her family. Blair isn't the praying type but she does often pray to any god that will hear her for Miranda's downfall.


Likes & Dislikes






Fun Facts

Currently doesn't have a voicecanon and might not recieve one.

Her Soldat design is heavily inspired by the robot in the music video of Colossus by the heavy metal band Avatar.

Her name "Blair Woods" is just a reference to the horror movie "The Blair Witch Project".


Music Inspo

Pandemic - YuugouP

Sleeping Beauty - 164

Fakery Tale - DECO*27

Can't I Even Dream? - Fummy