


6 years, 1 month ago


3/22/18. Info below is mostly concepts, I guess

Naveen, Son of Liliah comes from a planet known as Eevine. He was removed from it at 27 years of age (not equivalent to human years) and brought to the void
His people are very spiritual and diligently worship a specific set of deities, most found in nature. Shrines, prayers, hymns, and studies are all commonplace
Believes that him being sent to the void was punishment by a deity. He doesn't believe he had done anything to deserve this, but he would have if left to his own devices, so this was all a test to reveal his horrible nature
The other three he was transported with all met their ends. One of them died by his hands, which he now sees was an idiotic thing to do
He worked on a ranch deep in the overgrown woods that raised foxes, squirrels, and deer in an attempt to restore an ecosystem torn apart by an abundance of predators
His mother, father, three sisters, five cousins, two best friends, arranged partner, and her baby brother all lived on the ranch and worked to keep it functioning
Arranged marriages were a common occurrence and were usually done well enough that nobody had any problems with it. He was pretty happy with his and was nearing the time where they would actually marry before he got taken
Wants to have several kids. Maybe three or so
When he wasn't doing anything else, he'd gather wood for fireplaces and to stack up and burn at shrines. He still does this in hopes that he main gain forgiveness
The mask he wears has a bit to do with deities, but is generally just a thing he wears because showing the full face is considered nudity
Talks very proper
Can build a lot of stuff. Has built himself a little cabin in the void place
Did not previously have the 09 scar on his hand. This appeared after the final member of his group was killed off, halting him on the plane he's currently living in
He believes he is the 9th one left group-less. He could sort of sense the other 8, but they've been fading away. Is pretty sure that other groups are sent to kill them as an extra difficult challenge before they can earn their way out
Thighs are large and rounded. Shins are short and feet are very long. Legs are generally structured to be more animal-like