Myra Miller



1 year, 5 months ago


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Stuff here about my wirdos

════★☆★☆[ Basic Info ]☆★☆★════

Name: Myra Houdini Miller

Nickname(s): My, Scooter Doo

Name significance/meaning: Myra's middle name, Houdini, is in honor of the real Houdini who spent his life debunking fake psychics and mediums that were preying on the grieving and vulnerable. Her parents gave her the middle name in hopes that she will continue to not only investigate the supernatural like themselves but also protect those who would be taken advantage of because of fakes. 

Gender/Pronouns: Female | She/Her

Age: 25

Race/Species: Human (Reforged: A variant human race with advanced prostheses)

Occupation/Job: Paranormal Investigator in the Golden Web Investigations Guild.

Theme song: Dropkick Murphys - Warriors Code

════★☆★☆[ Physical Info ]☆★☆★════

Physical Appearance:

Skin Tone: Caucasian. Warm toned but pretty darn white.

Eye Color: Left eye blue, right eye brown with a blown pupil.

Hair Color: Brown, cut short.

Height / Weight: 5'8'' / 190lbs

Build: Muscular and pretty friggin ripped.

Birthmarks/Scars: Scar cutting her right eyebrow in half. Mass of scar tissue on her right torso. Slash scars across the stomach. A line of scars that ring around her hips that traverses the full circumference of her lower torso below the navel. Scattered scrapes and cuts on arms.

Tattoos/Piercings: Several Tattoos that are magical in nature. Two full arm sleeves and a back tattoo. Details in the gallery.

Facial Hair: None

Voice: Mid-range feminine voice that is a bit scratchy and rough. Has a Boston accent and curses up a storm. 

Most Distinguishing Feature: Complete heterochromia. Just how freaking ripped she is.

════★☆★☆[ Personality Info ]☆★☆★════

Extrovert or Introvert:

Optimist or Pessimist:







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