Mistral Celestine



1 year, 4 months ago



God was silent. Everything was silent.

Mistral is an Air Genasi sorcerer from the small community of Teracusto, the lone sanctuary in a wild and dangerous world. They're fanatically devoted to their faith even by the most extreme standards, and they've only become more resolute after their older brother was sacrificed to the Divine Body seven months ago.

Despite their eccentricities, Mistral is a beloved figure in Teracusto. Their close friendship with the most beautiful girl in town earns them a great deal of social credit--and they're known to loosen up after a few drinks.


Name Mistral Celestine
Age 25
Pronouns They/He/She
Height 4'11"
Race Air Genasi
Class Sorcerer
Alignment Lawful Good
Playlist Here

  • Theology
  • Delicate fabrics
  • Sorting books
  • Port wine

  • Desk clutter
  • Large crowds
  • Loud noises
  • Chamomile tea


  • They work as a bookkeeper and children's teacher
  • The cloudscape on their cheeks changes with their mood
  • They're never seen without their dog, Halo
  • They have a lot of exes, but they're all on good terms

Design Notes

  • They have a pastel skyscape across their cheeks featuring tiny clouds
  • Their hair and skin coloration shifts very slightly
  • They're a dawn-themed air genasi, and their hair floats
  • Their ears are tiny wings with pink and blue tips


Mistral Celestine is the youngest child of Aura and Claudius Celestine. They were always quieter and more pleasant than their older twin brothers, Zephyr and Tempest, who had an infamously turbulent relationship. Tempest was sacrificed seven months ago, and Mistral is still mourning him. They live with their dog Halo and their best friend Red-Haired Rosie in the side cottage at the Brandybuck Winery.

Mistral works as the bookkeeper and divinity school teacher for the Auran shrine, and the substitute teacher for the town school. They're most often found either at the Shrine or spending time with Mrs. Tall, their childhood teacher, but they're a familiar face at just about every bar in town.

While they try to maintain a friendly and sociable image around town, they're a very anxious person. They have a tendency to overthink social interactions and dwell on social blunders that no one else would notice or remember.