
1 year, 5 months ago


i dont even know if half of the stuff on here is final

Name: IX

Aliases: Praetieratum

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Faction: Nightingale

Powers: how to put this into words... like literally anything

Skills: the same as powers, but he is pretty notably good at strategizing

Personality: Not much is known about IX, with very few people even aware of his existence. He doesn't communicate with anyone/anything very often, with the Equalizers of his organization Nightingale typically being the only beings to talk to him. Even then, he's not overly talkative. Having created Pretierata, he spends most of his time watching over it and all that transpires within it. But even as the all-knowing, divine creator of the world, he still can get lonely(though he would never admit this is what it is), and searches out his sole remaining friend to talk to. With most matters delegated to Nightingale, he has no obligation to anything beyond that which he desires to, leaving him free to observe or participate in his world however he sees fit.

Family: --

Friends: Estrella(god of stars)

Enemies: Hazarda(Hazarda wants to destroy IX, IX isn't very concerned about it)


-IX is literally like a sentient entity of the world he created all of Pretierata(the world in which the entire story takes place)

-Even though he created the world and most of the concepts within it, he hasn't bothered to come up with all the ways to make use of them that mortals have

-He is the highest authority in the organization Nightingale, but doesn't step in unless absolutely necessary

Design Notes:

-The lighter side of his hair is not the same color as his jacket/boots

-His pupils are ALWAYS an "I" and an "X"("I" always being his right(our left) and "X" always being his left(our right))

-The thing hanging on his waist on his right(our left) is a book/journal where interesting things are automatically recorded for him to read

-The thing hanging on his waist on his left(our right) is like some yin-yang-esq symbol but not in a circle(it's hard to describe sorry)

-The thing hanging above his stomach is a clock

-His boots are not the same thing(even without taking colors into accounts) and have different designs

-There are little stars on his capey-thing

-The gold in his hair is the same on both sides

-The light/dark split at the top of his hair is just half and half

-The stuff on his hands are the same on both hands just opposite colors

-His capey-thing has a hood