


1 year, 5 months ago


Chance To Shine

01 — Profile

Name Sora
Pokemon Type Flying
D.O.B. 9 January
Gender male
Height 170
Zodiac Sign Capricorn ♑️
Race human
Origin Hoenn
Occupation content

Status Pokemon Trainer
Designer @ ME
  • Wears "wings" on the ears

  • Flying and sky lover (and Flying Type of course!)

  • Likes loose and soft clothes that don't restrict movement

  • He has freckles!

  • VERY soft hair. Also curl at the ends

  • Absolutely not afraid of heights and he often runs to high places to look at landscapes

  • Sora is left handed!!

02 — Personality

Sora is always a very dreamy and good-natured carefree guy. He has an easy nature and a bright disposition. Very gentle with Pokémons and has admired the sky all his life, so naturally, he has always been drawn to Flying-type Pokémon.

His heart was so pure and sincere with his love of flying and Pokémon and skies, so once he managed to catch Lugia and Latios. These two legendary Pokémon really appreciated his good-natured personality.

Sora is friendly and humble. However, he can always stand up for himself or for his friends. As a child, he didn't have many friends due to his dreamy disposition, he also disliked many violent "games" or Pokémon fights, for example. However, he was never bored: Sora found solace in the sky, the simple things, and the wind, which ultimately made him a reliable trainer and sympathetic person.

  • sky and clouds

  • pastel colors

  • freedom

  • rainbow

  • rainy days

  • coffee and spicy food

  • content

  • content

03 — Background


Being very young, he spent a lot of time admiring the sky. As a child, Sora liked to lie motionless on the grass and watch whimsical clouds passing by. Over time, this grew into his desire to learn how to fly and train flying-type Pokémon.

His first Pokémon was Togepi (currently evolved into Togekiss) and Sora was incredibly happy to get him! He didn't really like spending time with other children due to the fact that many games seemed too cruel to him. He also didn't want to take part in a Pokémon fights and hurt Togepi. So they two just often walked together and enjoyed the sky together.


One day his sincerity and gentle attitude towards Pokémon received recognition from such legendary Pokémons as Lugia and Latios. With their help he finally was able to fly for the first time and was incredibly happy! Later, with their help, he found the island of Dragonites and was able to catch one. He also rescued little Raflet (currently Braviary), cured him and taught him to fly. In the forest where he found the little Raflet, he managed to make friends with Starley's flock, so later one of them became very attached to him and stayed with him (currently evolved into Staraptor). Sora cherishes all his Pokémon very much, as well as they always love to be around him!


Sora enters the competition in Galar and becomes involved with Tsume. Soon after a very warm and tender bond is formed between them. They two admire each other and suddenly find a lot in common. Like Yin and Yang, they complement each other differently. Sora helps Tsume open up and trust the world around him more, while Tsume appreciates his attitude towards Pokémon and the world, his confidence and trust and is always happy to help him.

Their relationship develops into a close and warm mutual affection for each other.

04 — Trivia

  • He often in daydreaming and can be a little forgetfull because of that. So he takes all notes on the phone or or in notepad

  • He can't be angry or hold grudges for a long time. He's also the type of person who makes peace after conflicts fist

  • Very hard to tolerate heat

  • Has a high pain threshold. He endures physical pain and not very afraid of it. Since childhood, he was very often injured or fell and rarely cried because of this

05 — Relationships

best friend/crush

They share a very tender and warm connection and affinity with each other. Their relationship is filled with trust and tenderness, they like to talk a lot and sometimes arrange friendly competitions among themselves.

Sora greatly admires Tsume, his nature and determination, and is very sympathetic to everything that Tsume had to go through in the past.


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