☆ "NULL"



1 year, 3 months ago



"This is why women stay in the kitchen because you fuckers can't even make cereal to save your lives"

Most wellknown under the alias Null, they served as a mercenary for hire and was a very efficent one at that. Until their capture and death via lethal injection, Null had been known for at the very least 30 murders, including that of their previous husband.

Under their persona, they were nothing but an egotistical sadist who thrived off the power they held over people's lives. They were willingly blind to the consequences of their actions, believing that they were untouchable and above any ramification. That was their downfall, in the end.


Name "NULL"
Age ~47 [At Death]
Gender Transfem (She/They)
Race Arab
Birthday ???
Height 5'11"
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Mercenary for Hire

  • GUNS.
  • Chaos / Excitement
  • Power

  • Everyone


  • VERY good at cooking, and doesn't eat almost anything unless she's made it herself. Except for pudding cups. She'll kill a man for pudding cups.
  • Canonically Phineas' aunt, though the two are completely unaware of the other's existence.
  • Prefers using guns and other long-range weapons for easy jobs, but is very physically capable and can take anyone in hand to hand combat.
  • Supposedly has a soft spot for small children, though it's very hard to tell.
  • Official Playlist

Design Notes

  • Has a birthmark on the left side of her face, over her eyes.
  • Oftentimes wears glasses/a visor. Nothing is really special under it, though. She has a normal ass face.
  • Little chubby but like. meant to be fairly muscular as well
  • Wears high heels because she has no problems running like a maniac in them


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