
1 year, 8 months ago


Goddess of Fear. Former Goddess of Safety, she was corrupted by War for his own personal purposes of fear and warmongering, though she tries her best to stray away from such horrors.

    Born of Aether and Air, set on the intent of making humanity feel safer from factors outside their control, such as the weather and nature in general. However, she was used by War to spread xenophobia and lead into conflict, without her knowledge, fooled by being told it was all in the name of "keeping mortals safe from each other", quite ironically.

    Despite being corrupted, she still is a slightly maternal figure for mortalkind, though overly protective, desperately trying to aid them, even if it often leads to greater disaster, as her will remains somewhat tainted by War. This feeds into a perpetual cycle of her becoming compelled more and more to try to help, without realizing her need to put a stop to this; but she just can't help it, as it always was the very purpose of her origin.
