Cobwebkit (Cobwebtuft)



1 year, 4 months ago


cobwebkit to cobwebtuft

a tom who is very serious about serving his clan. he has a fierce desire to serve his clan above everything, giving off the impression he is very ambitious, loyal and passionate. this tends to guide him to make decisions based off of reality, not based off his feelings. later, he will find himself thinking nonstop about the decision because he didn't go with what his heart truly wanted. although he overthinks a lot, he usually acts on impulse desires and wants. he definitely holds some anxiety and fight within himself as he wants to be the best he can but feels as though he cannot make the correct decisions. he fears letting others down, specifically his family, and will do anything he can to prove himself. it is no secret, as he portrays this and doesn't hide his anxiousness. he struggles to relax and let his guard down more often than not, because he is worried of doing the wrong thing and making others upset with him. he is definitely cautious to outsiders but he could never find it in his heart to hate another cat, no matter what they had done to him. he forgives way too easily and is a huge softie. although he is careful, he definitely has a fun-loving side when he is given the chance to relax and have fun. he has an impulsive drive to always be doing something and never sitting around or lounging. he wants to make himself useful and will find anything and everything to do, even running himself to exhaustion. sometimes he will cough up a bit of sarcasm, but this sarcasm won't stay for long as he himself has trouble in figuring out jokes so he worries others may get offended. he is able to keep a tough face when he needs to and not show any emotion, even if it means going on walks on his own so he is able to let out this emotions eventually. he is super compassionate, always seeing the good in others. overall, though, he is someone who is very kind to hold a conversation with and never tries to hurt anyone and will always try to be inclusive.