Candy's Comments

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woah :0 that was unexpected! tysm <3

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hope you dont mind if i transfer the character to my furry acc X3

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kk tysm!

1 Replies

did all extra entries!

Faved this and Sauce!

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Did all enteries!!! :3

entering! faved both :]

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I've done all the entries! :D

did all entriess!

This user's account has been closed.

Did all!

Done all! ^^

I did everything!


I already did everything :]

Done all, tysm for the chance!! ^^

Faved both, thanks for the chance!

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I did the favorite sauce and and already following you on here so idk if it counts lol 

Faved sauce and subed! Sauce is freaking adorable I cant

Already faved sauce and sub

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Subbed and faved ^-^ 

subbed & faved both!

entered and did everything ^^

entered and did all!

entered and did everything!

Entered and did all the extras!

Already subbed to you!

entering I favorited Sauce and favorited this 

Did all! (I've been subbed for a while haha, sauce is super cute btw)

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Of course!! :D

Did all

Did all!

Entering! Did all the stuff <3

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I did all :D

did all<3

This user's account has been closed.

Faved both! And already was subbed ^^

Faved! Re-faved Sauce and am already subscribed! ^-^

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faved, subbed, and faved sauce

I enter and am subbed and favorited sauce >:3

Enter! Already subbed and already faved sauce 

faved and already did the extras! the design is so precious omg the colors have me adjsksk 🥺🥺

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Already subbed and faved sauce!

faved both and subbed !! ^_^

Did both extras! <3

Already watching and already faved sauce ^^