


1 year, 9 months ago


Moth Grinder
Grim Salvo



this is real and true

Early 20s
6'04" (182 cm)
Nonbinary (They/Them)
Doesn't care!
Cargo Deliverer
Voice Claim:
Seemingly just another errand kid for S.Q's little sect of next gen workers, Abbi is a fucking nutcase in disguise. You probably shouldn't even think about testing their patience.
- Me right now lol

69558584_7DvH5axi9s5Z2sH.pngAbsinthe is one crazy mother fucker! Which makes sense, their dad is none other than Hank J. Wimbleton themself! They're one hell of a serious menace and are always bloodthirsty. Their siblings try to keep them reeled back in a bit, but even if they look calm and at ease, they've got gore and blood on their mind! Their parents are real proud of their loony little violence baby.


Absinthe seems like a pretty stone cold asshole type of dude, and they kind of are, but they're just trying to stay chill like their other twins. They're very blunt, and have a flat affect to their speech- something they definitely picked up from one of their parents. Abbi doesn't have much they think about constantly, other than the prospects of getting to cause some carnage and bloodshed. Despite having the same father as their twin Asher, and much older sister Bank, they seem to have been the only one to truly inherit the spirit of the Wimbleton genes, and so, they can't get enough of being the thing that causes death and destruction for other people.

But for the most part, they present themselves as a stoic person, that's just a little irritated all the time. Other people are just a bit of nuiscance to them.

Powers and Abilities

They're just a regular ass grunt!

Abbi is incredibly well versed in the art of beating the shit out of other people. They're basically the bodyguard of their older twins, and they really like picking a fight with anyone that's willing. Which isn't many people, because of course, there are still grunts out there that feel bad about punching a blind dude. Which just pisses them off even more, they just wanna kill!



Abbi was born into the crazy polycule between the collaborting factions of S.Q. and Antithesis. The biological child of one of S.Q's more notable employees- Ebony- and one of the actual top dogs of S.Q.- Hank, the most wanted man in Nevada, they came out looking irritated as all hell and signlaed to their parents they were going to be anything but normal. Abbi was also born a twin; however, their sibling, Funfetti, had a different father than them- that goddamn clown, Tricky. Superfecundation is a pretty crazy thing!

A little bit before their introduction into the polycule's life, their older sibling Asher was born, making the trio of babies essentially triplets. Their birth was basically the start of a new period for both factions, where they had to balance the continued pursuit of their goals related to the future of Nevada, as well as nurturing and raising a gaggle of little rascals.

There's nothing all that notable about their childhood; they were treated very well by everyone in their family and had a very happy time growing up. It was quickly discovered early on in Abbi's infancy that they were blind, which of course posed some potential challenges for them. Especially when combined with the fact that around the same time, Funfetti was found to be deaf, but their loving family were determined to find a way to accomadate both children and ensure they'd grow up without much strife.

Which they did! Ebony's quite the crafty bastard, and figured out some pretty ingenious solutions to working with their disabilities. As a result, the only real rough shit they experienced early in life was the usual going ons of post-apocalypse living, as well as occasional bullying from random grunts for their inability to see. But they just dealt with it by beating those grunts up, and then beating up anyone that harassed their twins.

Now that Abbi's grown up, they're just living life and making it through their early 20s as best they can. They carry out business for S.Q. and Antithesis alongside their siblings, usually whenever they're asked to help out, such as performing delivery runs or intimidating rivaling faction people for information or a debt that's owed to them. Outside of that, Abbi just likes lounging around thinking about ways they can kill and eviscerate people, or they'll join their twins in being the rap talent for Death Pit's weekend broadcasts...They also like begging their father Jeb to let them join him on his conquests to cleanse Nevada of sinners, but their efforts are fruitless at the moment!

Weapons Used

  • Hunting Knives: Kills: 23


  • Absinthe actually has two names! They also go by Belladonna, not because they came up with it or anything, but because Jeb and Pathos couldn't just let Eb and Hank name their baby after alcohol without there being a second option to fall back on lol
  • Absinthe has no problems playing favorites with their parents, and their fav parent is Jeb!
  • Speaking of their dad, Abbi's family is pretty crazy! They've got: 2 moms- Ebony and Pathos | 4 dads- Tricky, Hank, Jeb, and Teeth | 4 uncles- Doc, Sanford, Deimos, and Patch | 2 nieces- Casslyn and Bea | and 10 siblings- Funfetti, Asher, Bank, Boxxy, Grace, Lefty, Othello, Breakfast, Salad, and Cordelia!
  • Despite being raised just like their other siblings, Abbi somehow turned out to be one evil little shit, and is OBSESSED with trying to kill and murder as much as they can. They can keep themselves composed, but they've always got murder on their mind.