
code by BunBox




Name Taima Nekane
Age 18 years old
Species Kitsune
Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns she/her
Height 5'4"
Occupation N/A
Orientation Asexual, Biromantic
Playlist Taima
Voiceclaim Mallow - Pokemon
Theme Song Cautioners
Alignment Lawful Good
Zodiac Pisces
Tarot The Lovers
Discipline Mental
Affinity Electricity/Lightning, Ice


  • Was based on AshtonArts' Taima with his permission! ShinySparks get to stay together even in the OGverse <3
  • Is autistic!
  • Can sew and loves to make things with that skill!


Introvert Extrovert

Thinking Feeling

Sensing Intuition

Judging Perceiving

Taima is rather shy and softspoken, it's rare for her to go out of her way to talk to strangers. With wisdom beyond her years and a good head on her shoulders, there's no doubt that she's going to put great things into the world. She's very close to her twin brother, Yua, despite their drastic difference in personalities. He's the one thing that will cause her to break out of her shell and put on a brave face for. His disapperance has left her desparately anxious, the thought of something happening to him has left her with a single vow to cling to; she was going to bring him back, no matter the cost.











Taima had a relatively uneventful childhood, growing up alongisde Yua and their parents. Her anxieties and wallflower tendencies made small-town life quiet appealing to her. It left her rather sheltered, but able to work through life at her own pace and make her way in the world without quite as many difficulties. Before all the messes that inevitably surfaced, Taima had been working part-time with the town's tailor and busy putting together a well-thought out plan that would lead her to owning her own clothing shop, a childhood dream of hers. She had really thought that alone would be the worst source of stress in her life.

Over the past year and a half, she becamse increasingly aware of how her brother seemed to be changing. While she couldn't find the source, or even really get through to him when she tried, Taima never stopped worrying over it. When Yua disappeared completely it threatened to break her and now she's set out to find her twin- no matter how difficult a quest it may be. There is a part of her that worries for her parents now that she's left, but Taima is an adult in her own right and she won't allow herself to be shoved aside in this search for Yua. If she can manage it, she aims to be the one who finds him and brings him to his senses.



Taima's twin brother, they used to be attached at the hip. She loves him exponentially and wonders incessantly if there was more she could've done to prevent him from leaving.