BRO OMG would I be able to get two $5 ones with these characters? ^^

Hi! I'm so sorry for replying so late but my commission is currently closed. Probably I will open my commission again around April or May, I will let you know if I'm open again. And I'm sorry again for not telling you this sooner :(

omg ahhh your art is so cute wtfff??? are these still open?

Thanks! Yes, these still open!


could i get a pixel gif of this oc (anthro is fine) and if you're able to draw her; a tweened icon of this oc?

artistic liberty is fine for both of these, whatever you think fits the oc :) just wanna make sure you're comfortable doing these two because i know they're a little complex lol

Sure! I can do that! I will start it later, I will let you know when the sketch is done!

awesome!! lmk your ko-fi username and i can send the payment rn :)

Alright, here my ko-fi!

2 Replies

Hiiii it's me again! :D

I was wondering if I could get a Pixel GIF of my Newt Lady? I was thinking about a happy expression or maybe being excited about something

You can simplify her design if her Markings are too complex ^^

Hiii :D

Sure! I'll start working on it later, you can send me the payment, you should know my paypal email

All sent! Tysm :D

Please take your time <3

Yooo!! :D

If possible, I would love to commission a pixel gif & a frame-by-frame icon of this guy ->

Pixel gif: maybe with a tired look

And for the icon: maybe a smile with his tongue out? :o

(I can pay via paypal >°<)

Sure but is it okay if I draw him with a flat face? i don't know how to draw a furry with a muzzle

Ofc!! :D

Alright! Here my Paypal email [email protected] btw It's night here and I can't work on it tomorrow, I usually only work on weekends so I hope you don't mind for long wait!


Don't worry and take as much time as you need! ✨️✨️

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Sure! You want to pay it through paypal or ko-fi? I'll start working on it later

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Alright! here my ko-fi

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Received, thank you!

3 Replies

Hello!! First, I absolutely love your style and the way you make these amazing animations!! Keep up the great work :D

Soo I would like to buy two frame-by-frame GIFs of my character and the character of my Girlfriend :D

It would be amazing if it could be matching, I was thinking about them having a little bubble above their head with the other character (can be chibi, no need to animate that). So that they are thinking about each other ^-^ If you have other ideas, feel free to draw that instead! Maybe she looks very happy while thinking about the other, maybe with a big teethy smile And him looking pensive or also lightly smiling (You can choose from either his design with brown or with blond hair, if blond, please let him keep the sunglasses <33)

They aren't in a relationship btw, they're like happy mother with her adopted son xD

Thank you!!

Yeah, I can work with that but there might be an extra charge because of that chibi thing, let me know if you're okay or not with that!

 Btw you want to pay it through paypal or ko-fi?

I'm fine with that! Just lmk how much I should pay then

And PayPal would be great ^^

It will be $16! Here my Paypal email, [email protected]

Hi, it's been a while I haven't received confirmation from you yet, i received $14 a few days ago, it's from you right?

hihii!! could i get a tweened icon gif of my oc? i can pay through paypal :))

Sure! what about their expression?

just a smile and a peace sign will do!! if that's ok with you lmk and i can send the payment whenever you're ready :D

That's okay!

I only work on weekend but is up to you to send the payment today or on weekend, here my paypal email

[email protected]

no worries! there's no rush so don't worry :D

payment has been sent!

payment received, thanks!

3 Replies

helloo! i would love to get a tweening animation meme of the priorities meme w him if possible <3 ! 

example here !

Sure! but maybe it will take a long time because I have something I have to do, unless you are okay with it 

yesyes that’s fine :D !! will be paying via paypal <3

Alright! Here my paypal email [email protected]

just $30 or would you like me to pay more :o ?

If you want to look like in the example that you gave, so it will be 30$ :D

6 Replies
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What about his pose/expression? And also payments through Paypal or Ko-fi? 

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do you want me to draw him with sunglasses or not?

This user's account has been closed.

You want to pay for it via Paypal or Ko-fi?

8 Replies

I would love one! Are you able to do him? Or is it too complex? 

Well his uniform is quite complex for me and also I can't draw his muscles, sorry!

It's okay thank you!

I’m intrested! What’s your discord!?

Zie#7902 !