


6 years, 2 months ago







"I have fire in my veins and I'm tired of holding it in"


Egotistical | Apprehensive | Prideful | Unpredictable | Socially Adept | Destructive | Suspicious | Easily angered



   Backstory is a wip!

   Arael was born into a royal Aarakocra family, well-known, wealthy, and influential; the youngest of three, and last in line to assume the responsibilities of his families manor and estates. He grew up most of his life in the lap of luxury, unworried and uncaring of anything outside the castle walls. He was privately tutored in arcana, history, music, and the manners and social skills he was expected to learn. He excelled in all subjects besides arcana, he exhibited plenty of magical talent, but found it impossible to control. A lick of flame could grow into an out of control blaze in the blink of an eye, sparks shot from his fingertips the second his hair-trigger temper flared. No amount of tutoring or training seemed to get it under control.

   The true destructive power of his magic wasn't realized until he got in a heated argument with his eldest sibling, and instinctively and impulsively threw his arm out, slinging fire around the room, scorching his sibling, setting drapes, furniture, and belongings ablaze. Fire swirled around him, his eyes glowed like coals, and by the time he realized the extent of the damage the fire was out of control.

   Arael fled the building, his family fled the building, and there were no wounds more serious than smoke inhalation and moderate burns, and no lives were lost. But Arael was horrified, watching his house, and most of his family's fortune burn down into ash. Coming to the conclusion that he was too dangerous to allow such close proximity with the people he loved; he fled.


   Arael travels from city to city, town to town. He never stays in one place for very long, and is very familiar with the slipping away quickly and quietly. Arael has been chased out of multiple places for causing fires, and now he leaves the moment fire catches- whether he caused it or not- the blame usually falls to the Phoenix sorcerer. He still lives relatively comfortably, using his charismatic nature to quickly put himself in the good graces of the local high society or influential people, and making gold by using his magic to exterminate a town's local monster problem or other odd jobs.


[✓] gold | fire | high society | jewelry | magic | flying | luxury

[X] burns | fire | insults | being told what to do | strangers

[ MISC ]

  • Arael has terrible control over his magic, easily evidenced by the burns he's given himself up and down his arms and the way it flares with high emotions.
  • Arael tends to act like he's better than the people around him.
  • He's very fond of jewelry, wearing multiple bracelets and rings. He's never seen without his signet ring, emblemed with a phoenix rising from a fire, one of the few possessions he has from his home.
  • Arael still has a hair-trigger temper, and his anger often manifests as sparks shooting from his fingertips, fire licking up his hands or arms, or his eyes glowing like embers. He tries to catch himself before things get out of hand, taking slow, deep breaths (spoilers: he's bad at it.)
  • Despite being inherently suspicious and wary of strangers, he's comfortable rubbing shoulders with high society, utilizes his charismatic nature if he feels someone could be useful or influential.

