


1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Koray

Age: 30

Personality: -Loyal, -Obsessive, -Charming, -Deceptive +Intelligent +Adaptive, +/- Patriotic

A man that grew up far to early for his age and it shows within the way that he views the world. An obsessive view of that which is available that can be obtained he becomes the very word in all it's namesakes when given the chance to get his hands on it. Something that he doesn't give willingly, unless you have something to return in kind. His loyalties perhaps were at one point something that he could have been proud of. For what it's worth, perhaps there is something redeemable within it still, given the right circumstances to grow, but it is now a detriment. Loyalty has always come at a price and it is sadly, still one that he always pays for his previous ties to them by morality or code, perhaps it was something to keep him grounded. The charms that may have once brought him joy to play the classic flirtation games with, now bring more misery and trouble than their worth all for the name of this obsessive game he has with information, control. Maybe this is why he is so good at what he does, all of the deceptive games he plays, perhaps how he deceives himself. Of course, in order to make anything work, one must always be able to adapt into their enviornment and in the way that their view of the world gets to what they need. 

-A brief history: "Janus" was a conception that only came about in the need to be forced back into the shadows for some form of isolation in survivor's guilt and pity parties, a need to control after all control was taken from Koray. He was once the most patriotic and loyal of the citizens in the kingdom. Dreaming one day to stand besides it's crown prince, to be a voice among the plethora of gems and galliant toxic games to connect them all. Perhaps it was he had an infatuation with the prince as well, but in truth his heart lay among the kingdom with the greatest love anyone could give such a thing, even dipping many times into the unhealthy. He married a childhood friend in the confusing times of youth where they should have remained among the singles and traversed their own paths. He was never a man who was disloyal to his wife, but their marriage was one of short cold arguments and burned bridges. After a particularly terrible fight, he fled. Sick of no leeway made among his peers into the advisory title he so desperately dug his fingers to the bone into to get but never came, his wife baring down anger that he wanted to change and release himself from the steadfast practice of staying among the roots they held for generations, perhaps it was his growing fear of his conflicting sexuality at a place among small minds that didn't agree with such disgusting practices, he fled. In anger he stayed away.

In that anger was led to grieve when he found his kingdom completely void of anger and replaced with guilt for his survival. He should have been there, he should have taken to the capital to save the family, the prince that he so desperately dreamed to gain approval of, for the greatering of his home. Now it was all in ash, and no phoenix would rise from it. It was encaptured by an enemy kingdom and turned into just another encampment for the enslavery of its own kind and any that it deemed of it's own enemies. 

He was no longer Koray. Koray died among the soot of his former home.

For this reasoning, he disappeared and with no family to find him, he was clean to create a new life. Soon he became a strange entity he could mold into his perfect visage in which to hide, to wither away into skin and bone until one day he'd join them.

Janus, the twilight broker.

A duality to create and separate himself in the darkness.