


1 year, 8 months ago


b63b19f6_original.gif— Brookkit • Brookpaw • Brooksong —b63b19f6_original.gif



Protecting you
Protecting me
I throw the evidence into a trunk and drop it in the sea
Lie awake
I sleep awake
I sleep with one eye on the bedroom door
The other on the cake

I sleep with one hand on my 45, the other 'round my baby's waist
- "Sleep Awake", Mother Mother

Confident and smart, treats others with the most kindness she can. Has no forgiveness in her heart for people who have wronged her. Ze has a tendency to not be vulnerable, but after finding out about Ryestar, ze turns completely shut off from Finchstar. She keeps her feelings bottled up but tends to have outbursts in private settings. Keeps the clan happy and unknowing as deputy.

• Finchstar's public spouse. Their relationship is terribly rocky- neither of them are happy. Brooksong is still seething over Finchstar having a cross-clan relationship without her knowing, and Finchstar is confused and guilty over the situation regarding both of his partners. When Brooksong first distanced from them, they had made attempts at being affectionate; Brooksong had immediately disregarded these. They are only fond of each other in front of their clanmates, and only when Brooksong initiates.
• Ze longs for kits sometimes, and wishes that things between her and Finchstar had never happened. She would always have preferred the truth, but entertains the thought of ignorant bliss occasionally. Brooksong refuses to get another mate and separate from Finchstar because it would make the clan seem unstable. She projects her desire to have kits onto her apprentices, treating them like her own.

• The beginning of her relationship with Finchstar began when he had suffered a bad cut on his lip before becoming deputy. The medicine cat did not have the proper herbs to treat it and had shouted at Brooksong to hold cobweb against his wound while they went to fetch proper treatment. Their friendship started here.
• Both cats are very fond of each other and later become mates. There is hardly any conflict between them, but after Finchstar becomes leader, Brooksong begins to notice that her partner often disappears at night. Eventually, ze follows them out. Seeing Ryestar, she watches until the meeting is over, and attacks Finchstar on his way back to camp.
• Brooksong holds up their reputations and makes sure nothing is spread about either of them. She entirely resents Finchstar and refuses to be intimate with them.
• She watches in horror as Ryestar takes the rest of her mate's lives in the border dispute. The feeling was empty- some mix between grief, bewilderment, fear, and... almost freedom.