


1 year, 5 months ago


Who was she now? Cassandra? Casoric? The Deserter? The Puppet Master? Perhaps someone new-- or the same person all along?
cassandra "cass" cook

straight ( )

chaotic neutral


A snarky, crafty individual with an unshakable sense of confidence. She believes she can do whatever she puts her mind to, no matter how outlandish or impossible it may seem-- and to some extent, she is completely right. However, even this hyper-competency has its limits, and she finds that it is all too often that she struggles to grasp the simplest things. Meaningful relationships are few and far inbetween, and she frequently misjudges the difficulty of tasks-- inevitably setting her up for failure that she'll claim was mere "bad luck".

Her life of violence and crime has been mostly blotted out due to her being unable to cope with the guilt, leaving simple summaries of troublesome memories attempting to fill in many blanks-- or sometimes, nothing at all. Perhaps some of them would've taught her caution and wisdom, but either way, she finds her way out of most situations.

  • prometheus, paris, thomas
  • roses
  • soap operas
  • being insulted
  • killing, bodies, anything related to death
  • comedy shows
Confidence [ 95% ]
Charisma [ 65% ]
Honesty [ 30% ]
Diligence [ 80% ]
Intelligence [ 70% ]

  • She despises gameshows after a certain "incident" involving her running one.
  • She doesn't lose her temper easily, and tends to at least attempt to think through things logically. However, pushing the right buttons at the right time can quite effectively set her off with little to no effort.
  • She usually finds herself tormented by nightmares involving her history switching around her identities, but she does not remember them. As a result, she often awakes in the middle of the night, positively terrified-- with little clue why.
  • Despite working with the Council several years ago in defense against her former organization-- Rosa Cenere-- she despises them with a passion. She has several posters of Councilor Pelops and other prison workers she routinely finds creative ways to destroy.
  • She's quite infamous for her nonexistent driving skills. When she is operating a car, nobody within five miles is truly safe.
design by casoric
Design Notes

  • The goat species I used for reference is the welsh black-necked goat.
  • Her heavy clothing is used to hide symmetrical gray patches on her skin, most prominently visible on her hands and other extremities. There are also a few flecks present around her ears.
  • She has freckles present across her nose, cheeks, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. The visible freckles are actually eyelids seamless with her skin, however-- and she can open and close these small eyes as she pleases.
  • placeholder
  • placeholder.

NAME relation

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NAME relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

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NAME relation

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