Species - Wraiths



1 year, 4 months ago


--- ALL Stellarmass species are open to character creation. You are allowed to make OCs and have a good time. Please let me know if you do so I can cry over them. Do not make adoptables of these species unless they are for charity. Thanks! ---

Nobody quite knew where the Wraiths came from. They had just started appearing on various planets originating from the middle of the galaxy and spreading quickly. When asked about their origins, they honestly don't know, nor do they dwell on it. They seem happy to just be alive, and integrate into whatever society they choose to live in. As thus, they can be found on nearly all inhabited planets and space stations. They don't cause trouble and they at worst, are annoying, so people tend to not really bother them. As long as they pay taxes and follow the law, they can live anywhere they like.

Most Wraiths however, don't like to live in one place for very long, so they tend to be rather nomadic, moving around, getting tired of a place, and moving on to the next.

As probably one of the most unique sapient races in the galaxy, Wraiths are living energy. They feed on energy by touching the source with a tentacle and absorbing the energy directly into their bodies. They don't eat solid food and don't drink water. They don't even need oxygen or other breathable gasses. They just need energy to keep themselves together, and that's it. Some may find it creepy, but being fed on doesn't hurt anyone at all. Most Wraiths are polite enough to ask.

Without said energy, their mass drift apart and the individual dies.

Nobody is sure how long a Wraith can live for, and most speculate that they can be considered ageless. Ageless because Wraiths can die, but none seem to age or show any signs of slowing down like an organic individual. They are far from being immortal, as in the past many a Wraith has 'starved' to death before being accepted into society. Nowadays, they do pretty well for themselves.

Wraiths can 'fly' in a sense. They float to get around, but they don't go higher than 10ft or more. One stated that they saw a bird get pulled into a plane engine, so now all of them fear the same fate, which is understandable. They can zoom around at around 40 mph, but mostly just drift about slowly, like a breeze.

Wraiths have no concept of gender and are completely baffled by anything having to do with sexual reproduction. They all tend to go by They and often struggle with calling other people by their proper pronouns. They tend to mix things up, but they are trying their best!

They reproduce by asexual budding. Once in a while, a Wraith will decide to find a nice hidey hole to stay in for about a week. There, they start the budding process and it takes just as long. Once the new wraith is complete, they are able to take care of themselves. They are rather small, but they will increase in size as they feed and grow older. As soon as the young Wraith gets their bearings, they leave to seek out their own lives.

Wraiths are born with all previous memories and knowledge of the parent, older Wraiths can be considered living libraries. Getting one to focus long enough to actually tell you something, is another story entirely. They crave learning just for the sake of it. So it's common to find Wraiths in colleges and other places of learning...being annoying and trying to follow professors around to get that one last question in. It seems to be a racial trait to just want to learn and continue learning. It's also common to find Wraiths studying one thing for a very long time, such as decades learning everything there is cooking, and then just serving people batteries on a plate.

Wraiths are quite erratic and all seem to be the embodiment ADHD. They love to tease and joke, and often are the life of the party. They enjoy playing games and practicing many hobbies. Wraiths may be strange, but they are harmless little eccentrics that enjoy having fun.

Just don't give any of them matches or the like. That's when trouble starts!