𝒍avender 𝒘ine



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info

🍳°﹒ ⁀ NOTE ⸒ ᴗ ✿ᴗ)

they belong to the closed species, cannibal cookie cats ! ( https://toyhou.se/~world/133622.cannibal-cookie-cats )


lavender wine cookie

 name:   lavender wine 
 nickname(s):   lavender 
 rarity:   castle member 
 cookie type:   ranged 
 pronouns:   he/they 
 gender:   male 
 age:   ??? years 
 birthday:   june. 06th 

lavender wine cookie is a cannibal cookie cat belonging to the first generation, living a life within the walls of the palace as the head florist of the palace, and the caretaker of the palace's greenhouse. now, they lead a life in isolation; alienating from others of his kind - unless it is to satisfy their hunger.


 reclusive  deceptive  sceptical 

extravert introvert

sensing intuition

thinking feeling

judging perceiving


flower arranging, caretaking gardens, nature, sunsets, isolation


crowds, gossiping, most cannibal cookie cats, having to cook, villages and cities

in the past, lavender wine was known for being a gentle soul with very few words to offer.

after the calamity struck the kingdom, and through the heedless needs to survive, lavender began to change. they are quick to adapt to the given situation, and find it difficult to trust those around them - assuming that they would be just as deceptive as they are today. he's tactical, and has learned to put himself before others in dire situations; keeping all but a few close companions that he can really trust.

 I. the beginning 

It isn't quite easy switching comforts in life. Lavender, for example, was used to the calm, tranquil life they lead within the scapes of the castle, tending to every shrub and flower with meticulous detail. Though the role of the 'head gardener' may not seem like much, it was a duty that they fulfilled ideally - leaving not even an ounce of room for error. As such, he didn't quite get to know the royal family, nor what had been going on all too well. Sure, the room was loud and upbeat with the latest rumors between the maidens and stewards - but, to what extent they paid heed to it; they are unsure themselves.
After the calamity that struck, Lavender was, quite candidly - lost. With no relations to seek, no friends to follow nor the crown to listen to - they had reached the climax of their despair. They'd hear of the gruesome stories - one by one, some of which, were of people that they'd grown to call 'companions' within the walls of the castle. Companions that they'd run away from endlessly, seeking shelter in shrubby lands, with all but the gentle shade of the pine trees to conceal him away. However, one could only run for so long, until they have to stop.
 II. the climax 
To stop, to understand that there was no use running like this. That they were only growing more and more feeble; craving something more than the berries that they so carefully picked during the dim evenings. And so they did. At first, the shock that was so visible on their face would shiver to every inch of their crumbs; watching in horror as to just what he has done. However, over time - one by one - the remorse and regret evanesced. He grew to be more tactical and strategic - especially after gaining knowledge that some were attracted to their outer appearance - graceful and light; as though they couldn't harm another cookie; a damsel in distress, one might say. But, that couldn't be further from the truth.
 III. the present 

Now, they live on the outskirts of a small village, disguising their feline features behind their hat or by magic for the most part; only showing them to those who deserve it. And, to those who may not survive to tell the tale.

  •    he never makes the first attack. they will only attack another cookie if they were to threaten him first.
  •    there's a metaphor for him being lavender "wine".

    •    just as wine is finer after is ages, lavender grew wiser and more adapt.
  •    the veil with his hat isn't necessarily to hide his ears, more so to protect him from the sun.

design notes









  • the pattern on his clothes are meant to be lavenders.
  • hat has a translucent veil attached to it.
  • when drawing, if you draw with the hat, please don't draw his tail or his ears.

    • similarly, if you're drawing them with their tail and ears, don't draw the hat!








for as long as lavender had worked within the palace scapes, shortcake cookie had been one to catch his eye - and certainly catch him off guard. there used to be an unspoken barrier between them; but, with everything that has happened, it was an opportunity to get to know his "old crush", and, find out that somehow, the feelings were mutual. admittedly, the latter tended to be a bit oblivious to his teasing, which in lavender's eyes just made the prince all the more endearing.

the relationship between the pair had always been .. odd. it was clear that neither liked nor trusted one another very much; the main reason being lavender's deceitful nature. however, at the same time, the two weren't worlds apart either. after one fateful encounter, the two put their differences aside, and chose to try being friends. lavender can't help but feel comforted by her prescence; almost in reminiscence of a cookie he knew before the calamity.
name lastname

relationship status

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"there's no use debating on the past."

#lavender wine
#maine coone