Species - Springers



1 year, 3 months ago


--- ALL Stellarmass species are open to character creation. You are allowed to make OCs and have a good time. Please let me know if you do so I can cry over them. Do not make adoptables of these species unless they are for charity. Thanks! ---

Springers are bipedal mammals from a planet called Seco. Seco is one terrestrial planet broken up by small seas and lakes, so it can be considered all one continent. Surface water is rare on Seco, making this planet stand out from most others. The planet is mostly dry, hot, and dusty, which gets colder towards each pole. Nights can be freezing and rain is very, very rare. Seco has one moon, and it takes the planet 240 days for it to orbit its sun, Maez.

Springers can be described as jumpy, paranoid, and hyper-alert. They need to be, as they are a prey species on their planet of large (and sometimes viciously tiny) and crafty predators. They are a gritty and determined people and have managed to gain a foothold on the planet by sheer spite alone. Predation has become much rarer in this era of towns and walls, but places out in the frontier and travelers are still at risk. Despite this, Springers hold no hate for these creatures, as they believe that they all play some part in the life of the planet. Seco currently has a poaching problem, as off-worlders like to come in to capture or kill dangerous wildlife, which is upsetting the delicate balance the world relies on.

Springers are medium-sized species, only a little taller than most humans. They are densely muscled, mostly in their legs. This allows them to run and jump at high speeds, as well as deliver a kick strong enough to kill someone. Their tails are mostly used for balance with tight turns but can wallop you hard enough to break a bone. They are very much adapted to their harsh world, with noses and ears that can seal up in dust storms and a fat storage system in their tails. They have excellent hearing and eyesight. Springers come in varied earth tones and markings. Spots are the most common form of coat marking. Babies are born spotted and sandy-colored but grow into their mature coats as they age.

There are visible differences between males and females. Females have visible mammaries on their chests to feed young. They are also slightly thicker at the hips. Males are more muscle in their torsos. Other than that, both are very similar, especially while wearing clothes.

Springer females give birth to two children at a time. Children are fully grown at 15 and may live another 15 if lucky. Off-world Springers can live well into their 60's due to the lack of predators.

All Springers wear clothes to protect them from the harsh sands and dust of the world. Hats to shield them from the sun are fairly common, along with vests and coats made from leather. Bright fancy clothes are rare, as they attract predators.

Springers are omnivores and prefer meats and grains. They will, however, eat just about anything including insects and tubers. Grains are the most common type of plant in their world, so thus they are well known for their whiskeys and their bread. Springers don't sit down for meals and tend to eat on the go. They are not very fond of sweets and prefer savory food. They love to use spices in their cooking and actively trade for them.

Springers live in walled villages and cities. There are only a few cities on the planet due to the limitations of resources. Most people live in scattered forts and villages. These armored places are enough to discourage most predators from coming around, as they become confused by the number of lights and people. Most predators strike in remote areas, such as ranches. The people have the means to protect themselves now, but it's always a risk.

Technology is low, having reached some milestones such as radios, telegrams, and trains. They have not achieved space travel pre-discovery, though they were picking up and sending radio waves into deep space. One thing Springers are good at is making guns, and all citizens are armed at all times for protection. When defending themselves from each other, they won't waste a bullet (which takes resources to make) and just box or kick at each other.

Springers are very resource cautious, as everything in their world relies on a balance or is very scarce. Water is by far the most precious resource, though mining is the most dangerous. They readily accept trade, mostly looking for medicines and some home security/comforts. Springers are common in the galaxy, as many like to spend a few years off the world to see what it's like, or to learn. Most stay on Seco. Despite the danger, it's their home, and it's more comfortable to deal with problems you already know about than to deal with those unknown.

Their main contributions to the Galaxy are

  • Alcohol
  • Grains
  • Professional fighters
  • Leather and fabrics
  • Mineral ores