Omar Young's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

arcoleiris Global Rules

(WRITTEN 12/16/2023 - will be generally enforced for any designs made before this time too, but is mostly focused on going forward)

- i will never, for any reason, revoke a design after selling/trading it to another person

- please do not re-sell designs bought from me for more than what has been spent on them. this means free art does not add to their value, that you cannot sell them if you got them through a trade that didn't involve real world money, etc. 

- please do not associate my designs with: bigoted (discriminatory towards personal factors such as race, identity, physical traits, etc) content, sexual content that involves under age characters or anything that tiptoes that line such as "loli" content (nsfw of characters of age is okay), targeted harassment of others, etc. this list may be edited as time goes on

- if i spot anyone breaking any of these terms, they are subject to being put on my personal blacklist. it will not be made public because there's no need for it to be. the blacklist is solely for me to know who i want to avoid selling/trading directly to- if it ends up in their possession through another trade from another user, i will not take action

thank you for reading, subject to change but i will always add the date of updates ⛅🌈