


1 year, 8 months ago


Name             Conifer
Age                 -
Species           Dryad (BirchTree)
Pronouns       She/Her

About [WIP]
conifer came from a forest without any nymphs. she was surrounded by trees and trees but was otherwise alone. that was until nymphs called 'Thyiads' came through her forest (Thyiads are party nymphs who follow the god of wine Dionysus as a group/his harem, though he doesn't exist in my universe so they're just nymphs that party and travel) she was swept up in their festivities and alcohol and ended up following them for a hundred or so years but despite their company, she felt lonely, and soon became addicted to alcohol because she would forget it when she was drunk. it got bad. on her travels, she met another dryard. this one was a red tree (still deciding but probably japanese rowan/maple) it was love at first sight for her, and she ditched her group that she had been with for hundreds of years just to interact with the red tree dryard. the two fell deeply in love.
they decided to have a child (two dryards cant have a kid, one has to like asexually produce it, hard to explain but yeah) so conifer decides to have it. for this she has to be with her tree, so she makes the LONG travel back, promising to come back when she's done and recovered. a first ever occurence in my world happens, as conifer's new tree starts to grow, an ash tree that would contain a nymph (meaning it grows rapidly) happens to grow in the exact same place so her new child, named aloysius, was a mismatched pattern of birch and ash tree. conifer adored him. however, her child's tree, which was in her forest that was frequented by humans for firewood, was noticed and almost chopped down while she was away. she defended aloysius and told her lover that she would be staying with him and his tree until he was old enough. the red tree agreed, but couldn't stay with her as by this point the nymph and human tentions had started to rise and they were friendly with humans and wanted to express their support at the actual place. the red tree ends up harbouring humans and is executed for it. conifer is sad, of course, but she is able to overcome her grief for aloysius and raises her into a fine young dryard. eventually aloysius finds a partner and gets married, and leaves her mother to pursue her own life. conifer promises to protect her tree. then conifer meets cain some time later, spends her time with him until he dies, then meets hickory. then eventually meets evergreen too.

Extra               Mother of Aloysius Rainrow. Mother figure to Cain Slate, Hickory Hirsch and Evergreen Hirsch.