


1 year, 4 months ago



Name: Oakhiss

Gender: Tom

Moons: 54 (age of death)

Clan: ShadowClan

Rank: Warrior

Status: Deceased

Residence: The Dark Forest

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Mate: Dewmorning

Kits: Aspenkit, Beechkit, Cedarkit

Appearance: Oakhiss is a scruffy, curly-furred tabby tom. His fur is a light brown and he has hazel eyes.

Scent: Mud and pine trees

Voice: TBA

Theme song: TBA

Extra: Oakhiss was always a jealous and cruel cat, but his attitude became worse after he became a warrior. Many moons after him and his siblings became warriors, the clan began to be fearful of Oakhiss. He was aggressive, eager to fight invading cats and animals, and overall not the cat he used to be. When the leader’s previous deputy passed away, Oakhiss was determined to become the next one. He threatened the leader and anyone who opposed him. Eventually, the time came that a deputy was decided, and instead of Oakhiss, a fluffy she-cat was chosen. Oakhiss was furious, and demanded that the deputy be killed and replaced with him. When the leader ordered him to calm down, Oakhiss lunged at the leader and tried to kill them. His siblings watched in horror as their smallest brother was ripped to shreds. The clan was relieved that Oakhiss was killed, many even celebrated. Yet his family was upset. They knew he was a horrible cat, but he was their kin.

Now, Oakhiss watches the clan from the Dark Forest, his eyes locked on the deputy.