Asuka Rhode



6 years, 2 months ago


Name (& pronunciation): Asuka Rhode (Ass-oo-kah Road)

Date of Birth (& age): Unknown // Looks about 18-19 in his main human form

Gender: Male

Species: Tanuki

Height: 7'4" in his main human form

Personality/Attitude: Playful and teasing a majority of the time. He's very lanky, and it's hard to tell whether or not he's frail just by looking at him. He oftentimes uses his height to his advantage, although he never lords it over his boyfriend. Often likes to pull pranks, usually by shifting between his Tanuki form and Human form.

Hobbies/Interests: Watching Anime, Drawing Doujinshis, Selling said Doujins at Cons

Likes: Anime, Hetalia, Gay Ships, His Boyfriend, Cute Animals, His Glasses (Which he has a variety of, and all of them have varying eye emotions), Fluffy and Soft Things, Halloween, Candy, Horror Cliche's, Most Alcohols

Dislikes: Being Made fun of, Being Stepped on (even accidentally), Getting his fur dirty

Relationship Status: Taken x Maverick

Extra: Originates from a remote area of Japan, but has been all over the country and traveled to Europe on various occasions. He's very close with his family and still knows where all of them live. His favorite Hetalia ship is USUK.