
6 years, 2 months ago



Name Loresea Ushauri
Gender Male
Age 110yrs(September 24)
Height 6'2"
Race Auric elf
Occupation Light mage
Location Pluridia


Previously an advisor for Queen Inowen, Lore's immense loyalty for his queen and race was hard to match. Being childhood friends with Inowen, he fell rather quickly in love. Snarky as he was when she began to fall for a mysterious man named Faelar, Lore's feelings developed for the both of them. At Faelar's disappearance only a few months before his son, Elliot, was born, Lore raised the child while hoping for his return. He never did, and the entire family was soon separated by the destruction of the Aurics. Mourning for a few years, Lore eventually settled down in a quiet area and turned to light magic for his love of the sun.

Lore hatesĀ to be called Loresea, and only allowed the queen to do so.

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