Gemma (♀)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

SmolMoonie Global Rules
  1. At the moment you pay this you confirm that you authorized the payment. 
  2. You can NOT chargeback for any reasons, this payment is final, I don’t do refund, I never authorize or do refunds on adopts If it’s a closed specie(applies only with Paragems, Demoplushies, Gelakas and any specie owned and created by me), you accept that you can’t change the specie or void them from the specie. It will go back to me and will go to a better person who loves the specie. 
  3. You can resell it for the same price you bought it, if it has COMMISSIONED art, add the total you’ve spent on the commissions to the final price. 
  4. Credit me with my furaffinity, fb profile OR HERE MOSTLY. Do not copy my designs. 
  5. If i found you’ve copied a design of mine with solid proof, your copy now belongs to me. No excuses. 
  6. If you’ve found having serious problem with me and constant arguing you allow me to revoke your character from your ownership and it’s transferred to me. I don’t want people who hate my guts with designs of mine i do with pure love. Includes personal that I had blacklisted.
  7. Please resell after at least giving it 2 arts and 3 months cooldown, ill allow resells before this time limit if proof is shown to me about being an emergency sale, if nothing of this is applied the design comes back to me, no refund. I dont tolerate tradefodders.