


1 year, 5 months ago


Name: ?

Species: unknown ( shape shifting alien ? )

THE BASIC CONCEPT SO FAR ( unfinished ) : she somewhat has the same properties of the alien in the thing but she works a bit different
for one, she is not able to infect people by physical contact or through bodily fluids
as a alien you think she would be smart but shes no smarter than the average animal
all she does is just work for her own survival
since she is capable of imitating almost anything, she fits in well with the environment and also makes her ALMOST top of the food chain, she can get a hold of anything, beluga whale, walrus, artic fox you name it she can get it
all she can't really do is go after humans, for one she can't imitate them well enough because she doesn't understand human speech very well nor does she have the ability to copy human memories or health related things. she can easily imitate noises of any animal but since she can't be near humans because of the consequences she hasn't been able to learn human speech
like, she has been around all these different types of species shes been able to learn their patterns and such but she doesn't have enough knowledge about humans to imitate them as well