Azara (Azarous)



1 year, 4 months ago





Demon/human hybrid 

His tail is mandatory, as demons in my universe cannot make their tails hidden. The horns and back appendages are up to you to draw/only drawn if asked (if for a commission lol)
The collar around his neck is a shock collar that prevents him from harming living things, the things around his wrists are chains and he has black bandaging around his eyes; he’s completely blind and bandages his eyes to prevent others from seeing his injuries (it’s was recently that he was blinded), however this isn’t necessarily effective (because who wouldn’t assume something was wrong if someone bandaged their eyes??) but it makes him much more comfortable. Also, the chains are removed from him later on once he meets two of my other characters who decide to help him.

In general, he acts super aggressive to scare away anything that might attack him because he can’t protect himself. He’s actually pretty sweet though, once he figured out whoever is interacting with him doesn’t want to kill him, & honestly just scared, he’s trying to navigate the world with the new blindness. 

Set in my universe, where demons are common & they eat humans & other demons as well. Pure demons (like,,, not hybrid like Azara) are basically just mutated humans, they get the mutation when they die and revive with demon anatomy & power (power being they are just a bit stronger). The demons are technically born demons, however their “powers” and anatomy (tails, horns, claws, sharp teeth) do not activate until they die, whether his be natural causes or unnatural.

Azara isn’t like normal “pure” demons. He was born from a demon mother and a human father. Hybrids are always born with their demon anatomy, however they normally have wrapped anatomy. Azara, instead of having claws (which is just a black hard casing that goes from finger tips to mid forearm, sharp at the end to form “claws”), has the appendages on his back. However, since he’s half human, he is weaker than “pure” demons and can only maintain his demon anatomy (everything other than the tail) for a short amount of time before they hide themselves without his control (by hide, I mean they disappear & cannot be used while hidden)