


1 year, 4 months ago


Mad IQs
0:58 3:01

canine | he/they | young adult

HE GOES BY MANY NAMES. consectetur adipiscing elit. Amalu's ghost, the fire spirit, and so on so forth. Spice is rarely referred to by his actual name. He's one of the lone residents on Amalu island, but due to how reclusive he is, few actually are aware of his presence.

After his family perished in a brazen wildfire, he was the sole survivor. He lives solely to carry out the deeds of a malicious spirit. Rejecting any demand is a death sentence, and Spice isn't willing to die just yet.

  • cooking
  • warm water
  • stargazing
  • hurting others
  • messy spaces
  • fireworks

Oh, the apocalypse is coming

true neutral | istj | capricorn | the hermit
collected stubborn distant

At first, Spice can be seen as skittish. It wouldn't be a stretch to compare them to a wild animal, hardly verbal and running at the slightest hint he might be in danger. He views everything in a very practical lense, and runs on logic more than anything.

Spice bottles his emotions, and they often come spilling out once a month before he repeats the cycle over again. Though they mean well, and treats others with respect unless given a reason not to, Spice is brutally honest, sometimes even blunt. They'll tell you how it is, even if you don't want them to.


Don't you lose all your control

medium-short | stocky/malnourished | level-headed

Underneath his stocky stature, there isn't much underneath all the fluff Spice has.

His form resembles that of a rottweiler. They wear a red bandana, and their right eye bleeds the same color as it. His remaining eye is black in place of his scalera, with a white pupil. Spice's tail is torn off. Their back half is littered with scars- his back left leg is all scarred over, leaving the canine with a limp.

Important Notes
  • Second form (fire tail) is saved for when he's attacking/hunting!
  • Generally isn't relaxed or smiling, only exception is maybe when he's with C5
  • Cracks in his second form can be as simple or as complex as you want!! Keep them contained to that back half though
  • Darker stripe sits on his back, runs up to the back of his head

'Cause you can't get into heaven

Lose yourself inside the city...
the beginning

Hailing from a family with one single mom and a few siblings, a lot of responsibility was placed on Spice's shoulders to set a good example. They'd keep an eye on the younger ones when his mother was out and about- ever since their father went missing, they've been traveling around in an attempt to find a new home inside the Assorted Isles.

When they did find a place to settle, Spice found it easy to settle into his new normal. He was well-liked with people in his area, Saigo Island. Their yearly festivites included a lot of fire and other easily burnable substances, all of which Spice was entrusted in carrying about.

For a time, things were alright. He would often stray far away from most crowds. When the isles were in their hayday, a lot of tourists came to check out the events. There, he met a dog named C5 during his usual escape to his secluded hideout. The two hung out, and eventually formed a friendship. Even after C5 left, they promised to keep in touch.

seared beyond saving

Two years after he and C5 met, the festival reared its head up once again. Everything was going great, and Spice was assigned to help put out the torches and campfires in the village.

It was then he noticed something was wrong. The flames were inching just a little too close to the homes for personal comfort, and before he could grab a bucket of water, it *pounced* at the nearest structure. It quickly caught ablaze, crawling over the village like a hungry predator.

The embers moved too fast for Spice to be able to warn anyone. The raging inferno split into two, then four, then six, until balls of flame were swallowing anything in its wake. Spice ran inside his home to grab his siblings, only to find that they were trapped underneath a fallen, burning beam.

They tried to get them out, singing their paws in the process. The house was crumbling around him. Spice took cover as it all came down, smoke crawling into his lungs like a worm and stinging his insides. His head was spinning.

When things *finally* cleared up, and Spice could no longer hear the anguished screams of their loved ones, he emerged through the ashes to claw their family out. All that Spice found was their charred husks, eyes wide and mouths opened in a perpetual scream. When he went to claw them free, their bodies fell apart in his paws.

a new purpose

The previously bustling village now only had about ten or fifteen survivors, excluding Spice himself. Those who remained didn't stay long, insisting they had no reason to stay. One by one, they left, leaving Spice to contemplate in the rubble and ashes of his home.

When he dared to listen, the ashes carried whispers. Words of a voice he's seldom heard, one of warning. It uttered sympathetic phrases of Spice's situation, and even told him about their own loses.

Truthfully, Spice has heard this voice before. It was scattered encounters in his dreams, or sometimes he just wondered if he was going crazy. No, this was a spirit, or something of that nature. Spice would carry out this spirit's requests, needing to fill in the void of uselessness that began to spread in his skull.

Months, maybe years after, a survivor went to pay their respects to their fallen home. What they found was a desecrated den of soot and smoke, and a glowing figure, standing on top of it all.

That individual never went home.

If you haven't got a soul

...lose your mind inside a week.


Boston and Spice's relationship is complicated. The two respect one another for the things they went into, but at the same time, Spice isn't a huge fan of her sometimes dramatic demeanor.

They've both gone through similar situations. Spice is partially envious of how she was able to handle it so easily on the surface, but at the end of the day, he'd easily fight by her side should the need arise.



Truthfully, Spice is ever so slightly put off by Dylan's demeanor. The two send one another dirty looks from across the room due to their disagreements. They're just getting used to each other, at the moment.

In moments with just the two of them, Spice is usually the one to show Dylan around the islands, and introducing him to aspects of life he's missed out on.



On top of being one of Spice's closest friend, C5 is one of the few Spice actually trusts. After years of not speaking, he's not surprised his childhood friend has changed. A lot.

Spice is silently afraid of hurting C5, but more often than not, it's C5 who ends up hurting himself. Spice is the one to patch him up. They both care about one another immensely, and their current situation has only brought them both closer.